
How Can You Support St. Joseph's College?

Your gift will allow St. Joseph's College to continue providing students with opportunities for transformative learning, resources for personal development, and a safe home in the heart of the University of Alberta. If you're wondering how your donations can help change the lives of our SJC students, hear firsthand from former SJC student Alexis Pfeffer:


SJC has been essential to my university life; it is my second home... The students become like a family. We look out for each other and help each other out. I know that no matter what, I can walk through SJC and someone will say hi or stop and chat, and I think that is pretty special.

Alexis Pfeffer
Class of 2022

There are many ways you can support SJC including Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) Forms, e-transfers, mailing checks, calling to provide information over the phone, or through CanadaHelps. Your donation can be monthly, annual, or a one-time gift! Below we have listed all the ways to give, in order of SJC preference.

  1. Setting up a monthly or yearly donation to SJC via a Pre-Authorized Debit. This can be set up by mailing in the PAD form along with a void cheque or providing Debit Card information. This results in zero fees!  You can also set up a monthly or yearly donation with a credit card (SJC does lose money on fees, but we do accept Visa, MC, and AMEX). Our Finance Office (780-492-9240) can also help you.

  2. E-transfers can be made to SJC via this email address: The College registered an auto deposit for e-transfer, so no password or phone number is needed beyond this email address. They also are most beneficial to SJC as the full amount goes into our account (no credit card fees or CanadaHelps fees).

  3. You can stop by SJC with cash, cheque, or credit/debit card information. We can even give you a quick tour if it’s been awhile! Feel free to mail in a cheque or call SJC directly to provide the credit card information over the phone for one-time gifts. Note that some fees may apply. Call the Finance Office (780-492-9240) or the Advancement Office (780-492-9447).

  4. You can fill out the form below and give via CanadaHelps. Note that CanadaHelps does take a percentage, so if you want SJC to have the full amount, you should choose another option from the list above.

You can also support SJC by making a bequest for a specific dollar amount or for a percentage of your estate. If you wish to make a bequest, please contact the SJC Institutional Advancement Office at 780-492-9447.

We appreciate any donation made to us, including non-financial gifts. If you have any questions, need help or want more information please reach out.

To give online, please use the following form, which channels your donation to us via the CanadaHelps website. Please indicate in the drop-down menu under Funds where you want your donation to go. Thank you!

Please note that you can make a donation in memory or in honour of someone in the donation form below, under the Dedication Information section. Just select the relevant box ("In memory of" or "In honour of"), enter your name and select either "I will notify the family on my own" or "Send a free eCard" from the drop-down menu. If you choose the latter, you will be asked to select a card type (e.g. Sympathy) and then enter the following: Recipient Name, Recipient Email, Message, Your Name, Your Email. If you choose to notify the family yourself and do not have the relevant contact information or if you wish to make other arrangements with the college, please contact the SJC Advancement Office.

Every August, our Worshipping Community collects donations for FORMED, a subscription entertainment and education platform with Catholic content. If you wish to direct your donation here, please select "other" in the drop-down menu and write "Formed" in the comments.

10 Things to Know About SJC

SJC's 2023 Advent/Christmas Letter

SJC's 2024 Spring/Easter Letter