Pope Francis' Challenge: Laudato Si' and the Environmental Crisis

Join us for a special panel presentation entitled: Pope Francis' Challenge: Laudato Si' and the Environmental Crisis on Wednesday, November 18, 2015 at 4:00pm.

10 November 2015

You are invited to this special panel presentation on Wednesday, November 18, 2015 4:00 - 5:00pm in the boardroom at St. Joseph's College.

On June 20th of this year, Pope Francis issued the encyclical letter Laudato Si' calling on Christians and non-Christians alike to address the crisis of climate change and global inequality in light of our need to care for our common home. Arguing that technical quick fixes and economic cost-benefit analyses do not get to the root of the problem, Pope Francis issues a clarion call to address the deeper ethical issues behind the environmental crisis. In light of this, our panel will discuss such questions as: What relevance does the Papal encyclical have in our secular age? What role do faith traditions have to play in addressing this crisis? Does Pope Francis' critique go deep enough in addressing the ethical issues at stake with climate change?

The panel will be moderated by Dr. Nathan Kowalsky; we are fortunate to have the following individuals participating:

  • Dr. Richard Kover, Lecturer, St. Joseph's College & University of Alberta
  • Ms. Sara Farid, Regional Coordinator, In-Canada Programs - Western Region, Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace
  • Dr. Robert McKeon, Professor Emeritus, Newman Theological College
  • Dr. Randolph Haluza-Delay, Associate Professor, The King's University

Light refreshments will be served. An RSVP is requested but not required to: sara.mckeon@ualberta.ca