Media Watch

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Patrick Hanington says provincial inspection stations will help clean boats using steam to kill tough-to-see species.

Inhalation rooms in safe consumption sites could save lives, Alberta advocates say

PhD candidate Holly Mathias writes that a national caregiving strategy could transform the Canadian care economy and improve the lives of caregivers

Louis Hugo Francescutti says he sees many life-changing, water-related injuries in the ER.

Elaine Hyshka discusses how to solve the opioid crisis

Elaine Hyshka answers questions about increasing opioid deaths

Patrick Hanington is part of a new provincial task force to stop invasive mussels at the border

School of Public Health adjunct professor James Talbot shares concerns about a measles resurgence in Canada

Is your neighbourhood vulnerable to climate change? New research provides answers

Mari Barba Gonzalez visits CBC News to discuss the challenges of migrant workers in Alberta’s agricultural industry .

Elaine Hyshka speaks on the link between drug poisoning deaths and addiction rates.

Medications leading cause of poisoning among children five and under.

Shelby Yamamoto says she hopes climate map will generate ideas to support populations.

Alberta team building maps that show health impacts of climate change

Student Daniel Clark discusses the importance of providing mental health supports for students

U of A expert discusses initiative to shift climate change focus to health impacts

Sherilee Harper along with colleagues from various disciplines, have banded together into what Harper calls Canada's first university hub to shift the view of climate change from an environmental problem to a threat to human health.

Six in ten poisonings in children treated in Alberta Hospitals are from medications

More than 9,500 calls are received every year in Alberta relating to poisonings of children zero to five years of age.

School of Public Health student discusses climate-based anxiety

Graduate student Stephanie Olsen is researching emotional and mental health impacts of the ongoing climate crisis.

Louis Francescutti comments on mental health and addiction funding and staff shortages.

Elaine Hyshka believes several factors are contributing to the recent trend in opioid poisonings

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