Media Watch 2020

Recent Posts

We're in a crisis during a pandemic: Friends, family talk about overdose deaths

Elaine Hyshka says the main factor for the parallel pandemic has been a disruption of traditional supply lines for the illegal drug market because of border closures.

Alberta NDP calls for massive expansion of access to remote mental health services

Roman Pabayo says the biggest support measure for mental health during the pandemic restrictions might be better financial aid from the federal and provincial governments.

Dr. Devidas Menon calls for health leaders to think beyond the politicians versus public health mentality

Dev Menon shares his opinion of the "politicians versus public health officials" debate about COVID-19 pandemic decision-making.

Edmonton-based Apple Schools selected for LEAP's Healthy Futures Accelerator

Apple Schools and the Indigenous Youth Mentorship Program have been awarded funding and support to grow their school health promotion programming.

Of course, it's Vancouver. Why this city is poised to lead Canada's drug revolution

Elaine Hyshka says research shows that criminalizing individual substance use or possession isn't an effective deterrent for use and, in fact, increases the harm of drug use.

Is a normal Christmas possible with COVID-19? Experts are doubtful

Dean Eurich says this year will be a far cry from Christmas parties and large family gatherings of the past.

Coronavirus: Alberta officials no longer planning to post provincial R value publicly

Paul Veugelers says we need an R value of less than one to end or improve the pandemic and that depends on compliance to public health measures.

Are the changes to Alberta's child care subsidy enough?

Community-University Partnership research associate, Rob Buschmann, comments on changes to child care subsidies and how it will affect Albertans.

Alberta logs record-high 1,336 COVID-19 cases; One per cent of Albertans have now tested positive

Dean Eurich estimated the actual number of cases in the province could be three or four times higher due to undetected community spread.

Edmonton docs describe hospital horrors - and Calgary counterpart says city is next

Dean Eurich says COVID-19 outbreaks combined with burnout could mean personnel will be a limiting factor in expanding treatment capacity in the pandemic.

'Time is of the essence': COVID-19 shows the need to better understand infectious diseases, says U of A prof

Norm Neumann says COVID-19 has renewed people’s interest in infectious diseases at a time when waterborne pathogens have begun to adapt to current treatments, causing scientists to rethink how to maintain a safe water supply.

Canada's opioid crisis killed 13 people a day in 2018, prevention report shows

Report co-authored by Kathy Belton, associate director of the Injury Prevention Centre, shows twice as many people now die of unintentional poisonings than traffic-related injuries.

University of Alberta researchers analyze provincial coronavirus messaging

Assistant Professor Simon Otto says Alberta's Chief Medical Officer of Health has been strong and effective in her communications as the province's face for COVID-19 information.

Winter Hazard Prep 101

Injury Prevention Centre's Don Voaklander offers tips to prepare for winter's potential hazards on the farm.

The Pandemic and Public Health

Roman Pabayo comments on the ways inequality has contributed to worse outcomes during the pandemic.

Alberta Government Rejects Safe Supply, Bets Heavily on Abstinence

Elaine Hyshka comments on the value of the Injectable Opioid Agonist Treatment program, which is "largely used for people who have previously tried traditional opioid agonist treatments, like methadone, without the ability to inject."

Confused about whether to gather for Thanksgiving this year? You're not alone

Timothy Caulfied comments on that covid messaging in one area might not be relevant in another, but those messages can cut across the country, which "creates confusion."

Farmers shed light on silent fight against mental illness

According to a report from T. Cameron Wild and Orto Ahinmaa, professors at the School of Public Health, rural populations are underserved when it comes to mental health services.

Alberta receives a passing grade on its nutrition report card, barely

Kim Raine, lead project researcher of the 2020 Nutrition Report Card, comments on how the province can improve their grade

Second wave hasn't arrived in Alberta yet, epidemiologists say, but surge likely coming

Dr. Dean Eurich says Alberta doesn't have the sharp uptick in cases that would serve as a telltale sign of the second wave.

Hundreds die from opioid overdoses in Alberta as COVID-19 pandemic hit

Elaine Hyshka said she expected to see more deaths in Alberta based on trends in other provinces, but not so many more.

Shanthi Johnson receives RBC Top 25 Immigrant Award

Dean Shanthi Johnson awarded the 2020 RBC Top 25 Immigrant Award, as presented by Canadian Immigrant. This is the 12th year of these awards.

Dean Eurich working with First Nations communities on diabetes care when the pandemic hit

Dean Eurich is part of four speakers on a virtual panel called Pandemic Perspectives: What We've Learned from COVID-19

Edmonton's mask bylaw likely helping keep COVID-19 numbers in check: experts

Impossible to be certain, given the number of factors causing infection to spread

Hockey Edmonton prepares for return to play under COVID-19 pandemic

Smaller cohorts of 50 players and mini-teams of around 10 players expected for fall play

Edmonton zone makes up almost 66% of new COVID-19 cases in Alberta, experts plead for public health measures to be followed

The number of COVID-19 cases in the Edmonton zone continues to rise, and the city is now a hotspot for the virus.

Extraordinary Times: MPH Graduate Ahmed Rana on CBC Radio Specials

Ahmed Rana discusses his placement amidst a pandemic

Opinion: Public health education under threat from provincial cuts

Our governments need to value and be willing to fund all aspects of public health, including public health education.

Relaunch success may depend on how we answer these five questions

Norm Neumann comments on the partial reopening of Alberta society. It should be celebrated, but patience, diligence and caution must remain essential.

How we treat our most vulnerable is how we stay resilient through COVID-19, say experts

Whether gaps in socioeconomic inequality widen or narrow in Canada during and after the COVID-19 pandemic will depend on how far society is willing to go to help the most vulnerable among us, suggest a pair of University of Alberta researchers.

What it means if Alberta’s Jason Kenney bypasses Health Canada on COVID-19

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney could introduce “chaos” into the system, should his move pave the way for other jurisdictions in the country to seek their own tests and medicines, says Louis Hugo Francescutti.

Homeless people have nowhere to go to the bathroom because of Coronavirus

Roman Pabayo says a lack of restrooms could turn into a public health issue for everyone.

Why liquor stores are an essential service amid the coronavirus pandemic

“Alcohol dependency can be psychologically and physiologically. If the supply is cut off for that population of people, it can be potentially catastrophic,” says Elaine Hyshka.

COVID-19: Alberta forces bar closures, allaying fears of St. Patrick's Day spread

Roman Pabayo comments on what will likely be Alberta's quietest St. Patrick’s Day since prohibition.

'We've got well-trained people, we've got the resources': Edmonton expert on virus preparedness

With zero confirmed cases in Alberta, the biggest problem posed by the novel coronavirus “is that everyone thinks they’ve got it,” according to Professor Louis Hugo Francescutti.

'Risk of people dying': Albertans respond to possible changes with supervised consumption sites

Elaine Hyshka warns about the possible risks of changes that may come to supervised consumption sites

'My work is not finished': Francois Paulette named officer of Order of Canada

School adjunct professor and Denesuline elder has long advocated for Indigenous and treaty rights.

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