Minorities and Philosophy UAlberta (MAP)

Our mission

Minorities and Philosophy (MAP) at University of Alberta aims to promote the participation of marginalized groups in philosophy. MAP UAlberta focuses on addressing theoretical and practical issues regarding, but not limited to, philosophy of gender, race, sexual orientation, class, disability as well as philosophy practiced from minority perspectives. MAP UAlberta also aims to promote engagement with global traditions within the academy. MAP creates a space for peers to connect around and discuss ways to increase participation by underrepresented minorities within academic philosophy.

2023-2024 Executives

Communications: Eduardo Andrade
Events: Ayushi Khemka
Funding and Accounting: Joseph McDonald
Recruitment: Lily Diamond
Research: Miyu Bao and Farid Saberi
Faculty Contact: Prof. Jorge Sanchez Perez

Current Activities

MAP is hosting a Chinese Philosophy Reading Group (CPRG) every Tuesdays at 6:00 pm in ASH 2-02.

To learn more about MAP, visit their webpage: http://www.mapforthegap.com/