
Welcome to the Department of Philosophy!
We offer a variety of programs and courses that will help build your skillset, whether you want a career in the medical field, are thinking of going to law school, or want to become an engineer, computer scientist, writer or artist. We also offer exciting undergraduate and graduate programs, including a BA Honors program, a new Undergraduate Certificate in Ethics and a new course-based MA program. If you are new to Philosophy and are wondering what philosophers study and what you can do with a Philosophy degree, take a look at this brief guide to the field of philosophy and its uses.
Undergraduate Degree Program
Over the course of our four-year program, you will learn how to interpret philosophical arguments, engage in philosophical discussions, pursue original avenues of research and acquire reasoning and argumentative skills unmatched by any other discipline.
Honors Degree Program
If you would like to take your understanding of Philosophy a step further and pursue your interests in a more focused way, consider enrolling in our Honors program. You will acquire a broad knowledge of philosophy, hone your independent research skills, delve deep into a topic of interest, learn how to write a longer research essay and work closely with a faculty member who will supervise your Honors Thesis.
Undergraduate Certificate in Ethics
The Undergraduate Certificate in Ethics in the Faculty of Arts positions students to become ethical leaders in the humanities, business, civil service, law, healthcare, science and other professions. The curriculum provides a broad understanding of central ethical theories together with core competencies in their application to emerging ethical issues in individual and social life. The Certificate in Ethics is a valuable credential for new professionals, public and private sector employees, and those planning to pursue graduate degrees.
Graduate Programs - MA + PhD
We offer well-rounded MA and PhD programs that cover the study of traditional areas of philosophy including metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, logic and the history of philosophy, especially ancient, medieval and early modern. We are also proud to offer teachings in the philosophy of science, philosophy of mind, aesthetics, political philosophy, environmental ethics, Indian philosophy and certain areas of continental philosophy.
fall Term 2024
tr 5:00-6:20 p.M.
RELIG 397/PHIL 301- The Bhagavad Gītā: Yoga and Immortality
The Bhagavadgītā is one of the most influential wisdom texts within the history of South Asia. This course explores the Bhagavadgītā's approaches to philosophy, lived religion, and psychology. We will critically explore its central themes and doctrinal contexts, such as yogic practices of meditation and ethics, psychologies of happiness and suffering, metaphysics of oneness and panpsychism, and theories of self-identity and consciousness. We will also situate the Bhagavadgītā in its historical contexts, and inquire into its political and religious influences in modern India and its reception in contemporary spirituality.
This course will be fully online (synchronous). We will engage the Bhagavadgītā in a highly interactive format that emphasizes shared inquiry, active learning, collaborative research projects, and community building. Students will work together to produce an innovative virtual exhibit in lieu of traditional marking assignments.
Dr. Neil Dalal
winter Term 2025
MWF 12:00–12:50 p.M.
PHIL 422/phil 522 - Topics in Advanced Symbolic Logic/Topics in Logic: Applied Logic
Logic has applications not only in philosophy, but in several other disciplines including mathematics, informatics, computer science and linguistics. The goal of this course is to showcase a range of applications.
Starting from 2-valued propositional and predicate logic, we will spend a week or so on intuitionistic logic, alethic modal logics, tense logics, Hoare & dynamic logic, default logic, 3- & 4-valued logics, relevance logics, Lambek calculuses, combinatory logic & lambda-calculus and structurally free logic. These logics constitute a small selection from the logics that are utilized in practice, and you will be encouraged to explore more deeply a logic that fits your interests and present your findings in class.
Dr. Katalin Bimbó
Annual Public Lecture
The Department of Philosophy invites you to its Annual Public Lecture in Philosophy.
Queer Crip Ecologies of Loss
Kim Q. Hall, Professor
In their efforts to understand climate change-related loss and grief, some theorists have drawn an analogy between dementia and climate change. Professor Hall builds on crip theory, critical dementia studies, and work on climate change and grief to explore the meaning and implications of this analogy and propose an alternative informed by a queer crip ecology.
Friday, April 4th, 2025
Presentation in CCIS 1-160, 4 - 5:30 PM
Reception to follow in 2-02a Assiniboia Hall

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