Kule Dialogue Grants support research meetings, networking, and outreach activities in order to help researchers organize, develop, or disseminate research. Dialogue grants are not designed to support external conference travel for UAlberta researchers.
When to apply: You can apply at any time of the year.
Eligibility: The primary applicant must be a full-time faculty member at the UAlberta or tenure-track librarians.
Criteria: Potential to help a team to organize, present, or disseminate research. Potential to build research capacity at the University of Alberta.
Funding: Up to $2,500 can be approved quickly by the Director and the Program Coordinator. Amounts over $2,500 may require additional adjudication.
Successful past applications: Several examples of successful past applications can be found in our Successful Grants Library. (Log in to Google Apps with your U of A CCID to be able to view them)
Special Note: The Kule Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS) is committed to supporting a diverse and inclusive research community and recognizes that achieving a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive research environment is essential to creating the excellent, innovative, and impactful research necessary to advance knowledge and understanding, and to respond to local, national and global challenges.
Below are links to resources at the University of Alberta and Universities Canada that can assist you in incorporating EDI practices into planning your research proposals.
- Unconscious Bias Training
- Universities Canada Resources
- Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity Office at the University of Alberta
How to Apply: You will need to apply through the KIAS Online Application Form. This form asks a number of demographic and project related questions that are used by KIAS to assist with strategic planning and to support the Faculty of Arts and University of Alberta as they work to fulfill the commitments outlined in their strategic plans.
To view past successful applications please visit our Successful Grants Library.
Completion of the form will require the following information. If you have any questions please email
Word counts below are based on size 12 font, single spaced.
Principle Investigator:
- Name
- Position
- Faculty
- Department (If Applicable)
Project Overview:
- Project Title
- Public Summary (Max 1,000 characters or approximately 250 words)
- Is this project related to research on Ukraine or the Ukrainian Diaspora
- Does this project engage with, involve, or impact areas connected to Equity, Diversity, or Inclusion
- Does this project engage with, involve or impact First Nations, Inuit, Métis or other Indigenous nations, communities, societies or individuals, and their wisdom, cultures, experiences, knowledge systems, lands, or waterways?
- Describe how your project aligns with the KIAS Vision, Mission, and Goals.
Dialogue Grant Specific Questions:
- Project Description (Max 1,000 characters or approximately 250 words)
- 5 Key Words to describe your project
- Amount of funding requested (Max $2,500)
- BUDGET: How will the KIAS funding be used
- Listing of any additional sources of funding you may have received for this project
- Any additional information
Demographic Information: (questions in this section are voluntary and not required to be eligible for KIAS funding, information collected is for KIAS internal use only, anonymized, and used for strategic planning purposes)
- Identifying as a Indigenous / Aboriginal person
- Gender Identity
- Sexual Orientation
- Identifying as a Visible Minority
- Identifying as a person with a Disability
The Collaborative Outreach Grant offered by the Kule Institute for Advanced Study is designed to assist with event support for the SSHRC areas at the University of Alberta in partnership with external communities and organizations.
COG funding is intended to support high-impact, outward facing, knowledge mobilization events or outreach activities that benefit the University of Alberta and the communities it serves and for which the organizers will be seeking or have received additional internal or external funding (eg. SSHRC Connection Grants).
Funding will be provided to events that clearly demonstrate activities that engage broader publics in social sciences, humanities, and fine arts knowledge beyond what would typically be achieved through a KIAS Dialogue Grant.
Granting Cycles:
- Summer Deadline: June 1
- Fall Deadline: October 1
- Winter Deadline: February 1
Applicants will be notified approximately 2 weeks after the deadline.
Eligibility: The primary applicant must be a full-time faculty member at the UAlberta or tenure-track librarians.
Criteria: To support events at the University of Alberta that are connected with communities / organizations both at the university and beyond. Proposed events should keep in mind the equity, diversity, and inclusion principles in the University of Alberta Strategic Plan for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity and the Indigenous Strategic Plan - Braiding Past, Present, and Future.
Funding: Up to $5,000. Funding may be cash, in-kind or a combination of both depending on funding availability and support needs of the event. Post-award, similar to SSHRC's policy, you may make changes in your budget without seeking sponsor approval as long as you use your grant for the broad purpose for which it was originally awarded.
Event support can include but is not limited to honoraria, travel for speakers / elders, technical support, and hosting. (Note: UAlberta faculty and staff are not eligible for any form of compensation from this grant).
Special Note: The Kule Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS) is committed to supporting a diverse and inclusive research community and recognizes that achieving a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive research environment is essential to creating the excellent, innovative, and impactful research necessary to advance knowledge and understanding, and to respond to local, national and global challenges.
Below are links to resources at the University of Alberta and Universities Canada that can assist you in incorporating EDI practices into planning your research proposals.
- Unconscious Bias Training
- Universities Canada Resources
- Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity Office at the University of Alberta
How to Apply: You will need to apply through the KIAS Online Application Form. This form asks a number of demographic and project related questions that are used by KIAS to assist with strategic planning and to support the Faculty of Arts and University of Alberta as they work to fulfill the commitments outlined in their strategic plans.
To view past successful applications please visit our Successful Grants Library.
Completion of the form will require the following information.. If you have any questions please email
Word counts below are based on size 12 font, single spaced.
Principle Investigator:
- Name
- Position
- Faculty
- Department (If Applicable)
Demographic Information: (questions in this section are voluntary and not required to be eligible for KIAS funding)
- Identifying as a Indigenous / Aboriginal person
- Gender Identity
- Sexual Orientation
- Identifying as a Visible Minority
- Identifying as a person with a Disability
Project Overview:
- Project Title
- Public Summary (Max 1,000 characters or approximately 250 words)
- Is this project related to research on Ukraine or the Ukrainian Diaspora
- Does this project engage with, involve, or impact areas connected to Equity, Diversity, or Inclusion
- Does this project engage with, involve or impact First Nations, Inuit, Métis or other Indigenous nations, communities, societies or individuals, and their wisdom, cultures, experiences, knowledge systems, lands, or waterways?
- Describe how your project aligns with the KIAS Vision, Mission, and Goals.
Collaborative Outreach Grant Specific Questions:
- Event Description (Max 2,000 characters or approximately 500 words)
- Date of Event
- 5 Key Words to Describe Your Event
- Amount of Funding Requested (Max $5,000)
- (If Applicable) List any Internal communities or organizations you are collaborating with on this event
- (If Applicable) List any External communities or organizations you are collaborating with on this event
- BUDGET: How Will the KIAS Funding be Used
- Listing of any additional sources of funding you may have received or be applying to for this event (source of funding and amount)
- Any Additional Information (Max 1,000 characters or approximately 250 words)
Kule Research Team Grants support the formation of interdisciplinary research teams that have the potential to achieve national or international research recognition.
When to apply: You can apply at any time of the year. Submissions are normally reviewed once a month.
Eligibility: The primary applicant must be a full-time faculty member at the UAlberta or tenure-track librarians.
Criteria: Potential of research team to develop an innovative research agenda; interdisciplinarity and appropriateness of the team; and suitability of the activities proposed. Please note these grants are not intended to be small operating grants ie. to build or finish small projects. Often these teams will be aiming for larger grants through SSHRC or other granting agencies.
Funding: Up to $7,500. Post-award, similar to SSHRC's policy, you may make changes in your budget without seeking sponsor approval as long as you use your grant for the broad purpose for which it was originally awarded.
Successful past applications: Several examples of successful past applications can be found in our Successful Grants Library. (Log in to Google Apps with your U of A CCID to be able to view them).
Special Note: The Kule Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS) is committed to supporting a diverse and inclusive research community and recognizes that achieving a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive research environment is essential to creating the excellent, innovative, and impactful research necessary to advance knowledge and understanding, and to respond to local, national and global challenges.
Below are links to resources at the University of Alberta and Universities Canada that can assist you in incorporating EDI practices into planning your research proposals.
- Unconscious Bias Training
- Universities Canada Resources
- Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity Office at the University of Alberta
How to Apply: You will need to apply through the KIAS Online Application Form. This form asks a number of demographic and project related questions that are used by KIAS to assist with strategic planning and to support the Faculty of Arts and University of Alberta as they work to fulfill the commitments outlined in their strategic plans.
To view past successful applications please visit our Successful Grants Library.
Completion of the form will require the following information. If you have any questions please email
Word counts below are based on size 12 font, single spaced.
Principle Investigator:
- Name
- Position
- Faculty
- Department (If Applicable)
Project Overview:
- Project Title
- Public Summary (Max 1,000 characters or approximately 250 words)
- Is this project related to research on Ukraine or the Ukrainian Diaspora
- Does this project engage with, involve, or impact areas connected to Equity, Diversity, or Inclusion
- Does this project engage with, involve or impact First Nations, Inuit, Métis or other Indigenous nations, communities, societies or individuals, and their wisdom, cultures, experiences, knowledge systems, lands, or waterways?
- Describe how your project aligns with the KIAS Vision, Mission, and Goals.
Research Team Grant Specific Questions:
- Project Description (Max 5,250 characters or approximately 1,000 words)
- Statement on how your project contributes to equity, diversity, and inclusion (Max 1,000 characters or approximately 250 words)
- List of other members of your research team (Name, Department, Faculty)
- 5 Key Words to describe your project
- Amount of funding requested (Max $7,500)
- BUDGET: How will the KIAS funding be used
- Listing of any additional sources of funding you may have received for this project
- Any additional information
Demographic Information: (questions in this section are voluntary and not required to be eligible for KIAS funding, information collected is for KIAS internal use only, anonymized, and used for strategic planning purposes)
- Identifying as a Indigenous / Aboriginal person
- Gender Identity
- Sexual Orientation
- Identifying as a Visible Minority
- Identifying as a person with a Disability
Kule Research Cluster Grants support sustained activities of an interdisciplinary research team in the social sciences, humanities and fine arts that have the potential to be recognized as excellent at the national or international level. Grants are awarded up to $75,000 over three years to build an interdisciplinary research cluster.
Deadline for Letter of Intent (LOI): Closed
Eligibility: The Principal Investigator (primary applicant) must be a full-time faculty member at the UAlberta proposing a project in the social sciences, humanities, or fine arts. Team members can be from university (Canadian or international), not-for-profit, government, or industry/business sectors. The core team must include at least 4 full-time faculty members from UAlberta.
Criteria: Potential of research cluster to achieve national or international recognition; interdisciplinarity and appropriateness of the team; suitability of the activities proposed; matching support; and commitment to developing a longer term research agenda through other research funding opportunities.
Funding: Up to $75,000 over three years. Budget items should be eligible expenses under Tri-Agency Guide on Financial Administration, but please note that Research Cluster Grants cannot be used for publication subventions. Post-award, similar to SSHRC's policy, you may make changes in your budget without seeking sponsor approval as long as you use your grant for the broad purpose for which it was originally awarded. Successful research teams will be eligible for up to an additional $10,000 during the tenure of the award in support of making an application to a major external award such as, but not limited to, Tri Council granting opportunities.
Successful past applications: Several examples of successful past LOIs and Full Proposals can be found in our Successful Grants Library. Log in to Google Apps with your U of A CCID to be able to view them. Please note that formatting requirements for Kule Research Cluster Grants have changed throughout the years so older proposals may not be fully representative of current requirements in terms of length, spacing, font size etc. We believe these proposals are still helpful though in planning the scope and team composition of your project.
Special note: In light of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Calls to Action, we particularly encourage the development of proposals related to Indigenous research as defined by SSHRC. We also encourage comparative Indigenous research projects, especially those rooted in the Canadian experience. All proposals related to Indigenous research will be adjudicated by an expanded Research Committee involving both Indigenous and non-Indigenous scholars.
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion: The Kule Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS) is committed to supporting a diverse and inclusive research community and recognizes that achieving a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive research environment is essential to creating the excellent, innovative, and impactful research necessary to advance knowledge and understanding, and to respond to local, national and global challenges.
Below are links to resources at the University of Alberta and Universities Canada that can assist you in incorporating EDI practices into planning your research proposals.
- Unconscious Bias Training
- Universities Canada Resources
- Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity Office at the University of Alberta
How to Apply: You will need to apply through the KIAS Online Application Form. This form asks a number of demographic and project related questions that are used by KIAS to assist with strategic planning and to support the Faculty of Arts and University of Alberta as they work to fulfill the commitments outlined in their strategic plans.
To view past successful applications please visit our Successful Grants Library.
Completion of the form will require the following information. If you have any questions please email
Word counts below are based on size 12 font, single spaced.
Principle Investigator:
- Name
- Position
- Faculty
- Department (If Applicable)
Project Overview:
- Project Title
- Public Summary (Max 1,000 characters or approximately 250 words)
- Is this project related to research on Ukraine or the Ukrainian Diaspora?
- Does this project engage with, involve, or impact areas connected to Equity, Diversity, or Inclusion?
- Does this project engage with, involve or impact First Nations, Inuit, Métis or other Indigenous nations, communities, societies or individuals, and their wisdom, cultures, experiences, knowledge systems, lands, or waterways?
- Describe how your project aligns with the KIAS Vision, Mission, and Goals. (Max 1,000 characters or approximately 250 words).
Research Cluster Grant Specific Questions:
- Project Description (Max 6,500 characters or approximately 1,250 words)
- Statement on how your project contributes to equity, diversity, and inclusion (Max 1,000 characters or approximately 250 words)
- List of other members of UAlberta, National, and International Team Members (Name, Affiliation).
- Discussion of Partnership (Why is this team right for the project? What partnerships will be developed? etc.) (Max 1,000 characters or approximately 250 words)
- Activities and Timeline (Max 1,000 characters or approximately 250 words)
- Anticipated Outcomes (Max 1,000 characters or approximately 250 words)
- 5 Key Words to describe your project
- Amount of funding requested (Max $75,000)
- BUDGET: How will the KIAS funding be used (we do not need an exact budget at this point).
- Listing of any additional sources of funding you may have received for this project
- IF Applicable: Please describe how your project will contribute to the training / mentorship of early career scholars (Max 1,000 characters or approximately 250 words)
- Optional: References or Citations (Max 2,000 characters or approximately 500 words)
Demographic Information: (questions in this section are voluntary and not required to be eligible for KIAS funding, information collected is for KIAS internal use only, anonymized, and used for strategic planning purposes)
- Identifying as a Indigenous / Aboriginal person
- Gender Identity
- Sexual Orientation
- Identifying as a Visible Minority
- Identifying as a person with a Disability