Do you have questions about KIAS grants? Check out our FAQ below to see if we may already have an answer for you! If you can't find what you're looking for or still have questions, don't hesitate to contact us via email or drop by our office.


Can graduate students or postdoctoral fellows at the University of Alberta apply for KIAS grants?
No, graduate students or postdoctoral fellows cannot apply for KIAS grants. Grant applicants must be eligible to hold research funding at the University of Alberta in accordance with the University's "Eligibility to Apply for and Hold Research Funding" policy. Typically, this means a continuing full-time faculty member at the University of Alberta. Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows however can be team members on KIAS projects and they can be listed as team members on proposals. If you are a graduate student and have a project in mind, ask your supervisor if s/he is interested in applying with a team on your behalf.

Can librarians, FSOs, or contract instructors at the University of Alberta apply for KIAS grants?
It depends. If your appointment letter specifically states that you can hold research projects at the University of Alberta, you may be eligible to apply for KIAS grants. In principle, KIAS grant applicants must be eligible to hold research funding at the University of Alberta in accordance with the University's "Eligibility to Apply for and Hold Research Funding" policy. Typically, this means a continuing full-time faculty member at the University of Alberta. Please check with your Research Facilitator in the Research Services Office to confirm whether you qualify under the policy. If you don't qualify, you can still be a team member on KIAS projects and listed as such on the proposal.

Can non-UAlberta faculty members apply for KIAS grants?
No, the Principal Investigator must be a UAlberta faculty member or other UAlberta staff who's eligible to hold research funding at the University of Alberta, in accordance with the University's "Eligibility to Apply for and Hold Research Funding" policy.


Can I use KIAS funds for external travel, e.g. to travel to a conference off campus or to travel to some other location to do research?
In general, no. The only exceptions are our Kule Research Cluster Grants and regional collaboration grants where the project budget can include external travel.

Can I use KIAS funds to pay for expenses for an event or activity held at another university or location?
In general, no. The only exceptions are our Kule Research Cluster Grants and regional collaboration grants where the project budget can include funding activities outside the U of A campus.

Are publications and publication subventions an eligible expense?
No, we do not fund publications or publication subventions and these should not be included in your budget.

Can I use KIAS funds to pay for a Research Assistant?

Are Elder honoraria and fees for cultural connectors an eligible expense?
In principle, yes, but please consult with us first if you plan to use a significant portion of your budget for this purpose.

Can I use KIAS funds to pay for alcohol as part of my hospitality expenses?
No. Similar to other research funding, KIAS funds cannot be used for alcohol expenses.