Quaecumque Vera Honour Society

When you inform us of your decision to leave an estate gift, you help the university ensure your wishes can be fulfilled the way you want them to be.
You will be invited to join our Quaecumque Vera Honour Society (QVHS) family, who are a like-minded community committed to world-changing research and the education of future generations.
QVHS members play an important role in building the future of the University of Alberta. When you support the university beyond your lifetime, you contribute to a better society.
There can be tremendous tax benefits when you include a charity in your will. And once your family is well taken care of, a gift of any size — even a small amount — would be a lasting legacy for a lifetime of hard work.
Greg Yacyshyn, QVHS member
The Quaecumque Vera Honour Society, named after the university's motto, which means “whatsoever things are true”, is how we acknowledge and recognize our legacy donors who are helping us build the University of Tomorrow.
As a valued QVHS member, you will receive:
- personalized communications;
- a special pin;
- invitations to university events where you will meet our students, faculty and/or university leadership including our annual Edmonton luncheon celebrating QVHS donors;
- opportunities to connect with and be inspired by other legacy donors; and
- updates related to your area of support and stories about how donors like you are making a difference.
We would be delighted to learn more about your philanthropic goals and the lasting impact you would like to make through the University of Alberta.
Already included the university in your will?
Have you already included the U of A in your estate plans and not yet told us about it? Thank you! We would love to hear from you and invite you to join the Quaecumque Vera Honour Society.
Contact Us Today

Kathy Fitzgerald
Manager, Major Gifts & Planned Giving

Hilary Fabrizio
Development Associate, Planned Giving

Donna Ma
Development Associate, Planned Giving

Krista Aune
Development Officer, Planned Giving

Michelle Murray
Development Officer, Planned Giving
Office of Major Gifts & Planned Giving
3-600 Enterprise Square, 10230 Jasper Ave NW
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5J 4P6
Phone: 780-492-7400 Toll-free: 1-888-799-9899