Wirth Institute Extends Agreement with Hungarian Government supporting Doctoral Research Fellowship Program

1 December 2014

nstitute Director Joseph F. Patrouch (right) meets with Dr. Laszlo Palkovics, the Hungarian State Secretary for Higher Education (left).

Institute Director Joseph F. Patrouch met with Dr. Laszlo Palkovics, the Hungarian State Secretary for Higher Education, in Budapest on 19 November. The two signed an extension of the Memorandum of Understanding between the University of Alberta and the Hungarian Ministry of Education and Culture. This agreement continues the program which has seen a dozen Hungarian doctoral students come to the Wirth Institute for year-long research stays.

Director Patrouch was in Hungary as a member of the international evaluation commission established to review the Doctoral College for Central European History of the Faculty for Central European Studies at the Andrassy University in Budapest, one of Hungary's Universities of National Excellence: