Xenia Kopf
Xenia Kopf
Xenia Kopf, PhD Candidate in the interuniversitary doctoral studies 'Science and Art', University of Salzburg and Mozarteum Salzburg, Austria
Xenia Kopf is a researcher in urban studies, cultural policy and theatre studies. Current PhD project: The city as a performative space. Cultural practices in urban spaces of transformation (working title, interuniversitary doctoral studies 'Science and Art', University of Salzburg and Mozarteum Salzburg). Doctoral Research Fellow at Wirth Institute for Austrian and Central European Studies at the University of Alberta, Canada since September 2019. Appointee for public relations and communications at Smart Austria (a cooperative managing projects and contracts for freelance professionals, smart-at.org), June-August 2019. Participant in the interuniversitary Doctoral School "The arts and their public impact. Concepts - Transfer - Resonance" at the cooperation area Science and Art 2015-2018. Researcher at the österreichische kulturdokumentation. internationales archiv für kulturanalysen 2010-2018, staff member of the Austrian Association of Independent Theatre 2009-2016. She holds a degree in Theatre-, Film- and Media studies (University of Vienna, master's thesis on the strategic staging of public spaces) and a diploma in Graphic and Communications Design. She is (co-) author of several publications and articles on the subject area city / space / arts and culture (urban space production, cultural practices, autonomous urban cultural centres, hegemonies and power relations), EU regional policy and culture, Austrian cultural policy, urban cultural policy, creative industries as well as Austrian independent theatre and film.
E-mail: kopf@ualberta.caTelephone: 780-492-6390
University of Alberta
Wirth Institute for Austrian and Central European Studies
Arts & Convocation Hall
Edmonton, Alberta
Canada T6G 2E6