Success Story-Information Value
Working with the University Records Office, Success Stories
Improved Information Value in the Faculty of Education
Our work with the University Records Office resulted in improved access to shared, reliable information; enhanced staff collaborative abilities; and reduced technology and information risk.
- Yvonne Norton, Assistant Dean/Finance & Administration, Faculty of EducationProject Highlights:
1. Ongoing cost savings with no upfront investment
2. Development of a sustainable solution
3. Access to reliable information

Project Outcomes
Ongoing cost savings with no upfront investment
This project required no operational or capital funding from the Faculty, IST or the University Records Office. By reducing the Faculty of Education's reliance on Dexter (the local shared drive), the Project created ongoing cost savings to the Faculty of Education and IST by minimizing or eliminating investment and maintenance costs of on-premises electronic file storage.
Development of a sustainable and scalable solution
This project embraced key organizational change management principles to facilitate adoption:
- Faculty leadership as Champions,
- Actively engaged Departmental leadership and administrative teams.
These groups were key in developing governance and processes to sustain the solution and explore continuous improvement opportunities. The solutions developed as part of the project are being reused and adopted within the Faculty of Education and across the campus in other faculties and departments.
Effective technology supporting access to reliable information
Google Team Drive provides efficient collaboration and innovation within the Faculty through a protected, shared and reliable source of departmental information. Faculty of Education personnel are now able to access authoritative Team Drive records and information securely and easily from anywhere on any supported web device.