Graphic Design

Learn the fundamentals of graphic design and typography in our hands-on classes. Check back soon for additional courses.

Custom training is also available - email for details.


Note: If no classes are visible when you click the "View Upcoming Classes" button, no sessions are scheduled at this time. Please contact if you are interested in a particular course or require a specific date - we're happy to help!

Logo Design Crash Course
Explore the world of logo design in this 3 hour introductory course. You will be introduced to branding and logo design as the instructor walks you through the development of a logo for a fictional client. Together, we will explore the creative design process, develop logo concepts, and choose an appropriate font and colour palette to support our design. Students will create a ‘mockup’ file to present the design which will be a suitable portfolio piece showcasing their skills.

As this is a condensed 3 hour course, while students are welcome to develop their own designs, the instructor will walk students through the development of one concept to final presentation.

Course Details


Duration: 1/2 day

Multiple course sections are open to registration. Click the link below to view all available dates.

Registering at least one week before the deadline is recommended as this class may fill up or be cancelled due to low enrolment.

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Introduction to Logo Design

Explore the world of logo design and branding! In this course, students will explore the significance of a logo as part of the visual development of a brand. We will discuss the various types of logo styles and how to implement them successfully, along with design principles, colour psychology, font selection and more. Students will get hands-on experience with the logo design process by creating a series of logos for a fictional company.

Course Details


Duration: 2 days

Multiple course sections are open to registration. Click the link below to view all available dates.

Registering at least one week before the deadline is recommended as this class may fill up or be cancelled due to low enrolment.

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Introduction to Infographics

Infographics take complex information and distill it into engaging, easy-to-understand visuals. We see infographics everywhere, but have you ever wondered how they’re created? In this 3 hour course, we’ll discuss the various types of infographics and their uses, then use statistical information to create engaging, informative visuals in Adobe Illustrator.

Course Details


Duration: 1/2 day

Multiple course sections are open to registration. Click the link below to view all available dates.

Registering at least one week before the deadline is recommended as this class may fill up or be cancelled due to low enrolment.

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