Medical Student Education


The objectives of the MD Program are to provide the student with a solid grounding in General Surgical principles and the management of sick and complex patients. These goals are achieved through the four-year program at the University of Alberta. Years 1 and 2 are pre-clinical years in which the material is presented in a series of system-based course blocks. Each block presents the material in a reasoned progression from basic information to clinical application. Year 3 is a clinical year and includes clinical studies, rotations and electives. Six weeks of Year 3 will be spent on a General Surgery rotation at two of the six hospital sites in Edmonton. The structure of the six clinical teaching weeks ensures that medical students get not only an intense preceptor-based education, but are also intimately involved in the individual hospital General Surgical Service. Year 4 is a clinical year and also includes clinical studies, rotations and electives including exposure to Specialty Surgery.

As part of the Division's undergraduate activities, summer students are engaged annually in addressing research questions based around educational initiatives, research activities in experimental surgery and as well as PhD level research.

Undergraduate activities of the Division of General Surgery are maintained through the Office of Surgical Education (OSE) by the Undergraduate Surgical Education Team.

Senior Director - Dr. Peter Kwan

Clerkship Coordinator for SURG546 General Surgery - Dr Ioana Bratu
Program Administrator for SURG546 General Surgery - Diane Osborne

Address: Room 237-5, CSC, Royal Alexandra Hospital
Phone: 780-735-5961
Fax: 780-735-5459

For further details about the MD program, please visit

Clinical Electives

The Division of General Surgery invites medical students to complete a clinical elective at the University of Alberta for an immersive experience with many of our staff and residents. For more information on how to apply for an elective click here

For information on scheduling an elective contact:
Diane Osborne, Program Administrator
Undergraduate Office of Surgical Education
Phone: (780) 735-961