Selected Recent Publications


Scarcioffolo, A., Mugabe, D., & Shakya, S. (2024). Stuck in the middle: the conundrum of firms' responsiveness to environmental policy in shale production. Applied Economics Letters.

Nargiza, C., Mohapatra, S., & Swallow, B. (2024). Hope and Its Distribution in Rural Tanzania. The Journal of Development Studies.

Wang, H., Fan, X., Guo, J., Zhao, J., & Dai, Z. (2024). Towards sustainable beef: The role of altruistic preference in the value chain transformation. Food Policy, 127, 102687.

Gwendolyn, B., Myles, K., & Davidson, D. (2024). Uncertainty talk for bio-digital technologies: Expert conceptions of uncertainties in genomic selection for forestry. Sage Journals. 


Anders, S., Volpe, R., & Bittmann, T. (2023). Price rigidity, wholesale price passthrough, and quality‐tiered private labels. Managerial and Decision Economics.

Andrews, J., & Marcoul, P. (2023). The long-term effects of climate shocks on social preferences: Evidence from rural Tanzania. Personality and Individual Differences203, 112010.

Chewinski, M., Anders, S., & Parkins, J. R. (2023). Agricultural landowner perspectives on wind energy development in Alberta, Canada: insights from the lens of energy justice and democracy. Environmental Sociology9(4), 477-489.

Letourneau, A., Davidson, D., Karsgaard, C., & Ivanova, D. (2023). Proud fathers and fossil fuels: gendered identities and climate obstruction. Environmental Politics, 1-21.

Lim, M., Luckert, M. M., & Qiu, F. (2023). Economic opportunities and challenges in biojet production: A literature review and analysis. Biomass and Bioenergy170, 106727.

Ma, T., Swallow, B., Foggin, J. M., Zhong, L., & Sang, W. (2023). Co-management for sustainable development and conservation in Sanjiangyuan National Park and the surrounding Tibetan nomadic pastoralist areas. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications10(1), 1-13.

Mansuy, N., Staley, D., Alook, S., Parlee, B., Thomson, A., Littlechild, D. B., ... & Didzena, F. (2023). Indigenous protected and conserved areas (IPCAs): Canada's new path forward for biological and cultural conservation and Indigenous well-being. FACETS8, 1-16.

Pattison‐Williams, J. K., Marcoul, P., & Mohapatra, S. (2023). Intrahousehold moral hazard frictions and household poverty traps in rural India. Economics of Transition and Institutional Change31(1), 67-96.

Syme, J., An, H., & Torshizi, M. (2023). Estimating the effect of time‐invariant characteristics in panel data: wheat adoption in Western Canada. American Journal of Agricultural Economics.

Wang, H., Fan, X., Zhao, Q., & Cui, P. (2023). Emissions reduction strategy in a three-stage agrifood value chain: A dynamic differential game approach. Plos one18(11), e0294472.

Wichmann, B., & Moreira Wichmann, R. (2023). Big data evidence of the impact of COVID-19 hospitalizations on mortality rates of non-COVID-19 critically ill patients. Scientific Reports13(1), 13613.

Xie, L., Adamowicz, W., & Lloyd-Smith, P. (2023). Spatial and temporal responses to incentives: An application to wildlife disease management. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management117, 102752.

Wichmann, B. & Moreira Wichmann, R. (2023). Using machine learning to estimate health spillover effects. The European Journal of Health Economics, 25. 


Davidson, Debra J. and Maik Kecinski. 2022. “Emotional pathways to climate action.” WIREs Climate Change. 

Letourneau, Angeline and Davidson, Debra J. 2022. “Destabilizing farmer identities: A necessary but insufficient precursor to agricultural system transition.” Environmental Sociology, 8(4): 459-470.

Luo, Y., Swallow, B. M., & Adamowicz, W. L. (2022). Using Willingness to Pay and Willingness to Accept to Value Farmland Preservation under Ambiguous Property Rights and Preference Uncertainty. Land Economics, 98(4), 639-657.

Parkins, J. R., Anders, S., Meyerhoff, J., & Holowach, M. (2022). Landowner acceptance of wind turbines on their land: Insights from a factorial survey experiment. Land Economics, 98(4), 674-689.

Parlee, B. (2022). Impacts of Mining on Well-Being: A Disconnect between Theory and Practice. Extractive Industry and the Sustainability of Canada's Arctic Communities, 278.

Shandal, M., Mohapatra, S., & Chellattan Veettil, P. (2022). Pareto efficiency in intrahousehold allocations: evidence from rice farming households in India. Oxford Development Studies, 50(2), 158-176.

Wichmann, B., & Wichmann, R. (2022). COVID-19 and Indigenous health in the Brazilian Amazon. Economic Modelling, 115, 105962.


Anders, S., A. Pareek, S.L. Singla-Pareek, K.J. Gupta and C. Foyer. 2020. Innovative plant breeding could deliver crop revolution. Nature, 577, Jan. 30, 2020, 622.

Brown, Bijon A., Henry An and Scott Jeffrey. 2020. Benefit-Cost Analysis of Near Infrared Spectroscopy Technology Adoption by Alberta Hog Producers. Canadian Journal of Animal Science, 100(3): 557-569. 

Chappell, E. N., Parkins, J. R., & Sherren, K. 2020. Climax thinking, place attachment, and utilitarian landscapes: Implications for wind energy development. Landscape and Urban Planning, 199, 103802.

Durocher, G., Luckert. M.K. 2020. A property rights framework for analyzing management options for wildlife: a case study of chronic wasting disease in Canada. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management.

Langinier, Corinne, & Marcoul, Philippe. 2020. Monetary and implicit incentives of patent examiners. Journal of Economics and Business, 105906.

Le, Stephanie, Scott Jeffrey and Henry An. 2020. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Technical Efficiency in Alberta Dairy Production: What are the Trade-Offs? Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 52(2): 177-193.

Lim, K., Wichmann, B. Luckert, M.K.. Laderach, P. 2020. Impact of smallholder agricultural adaptation on food security: evidence from Africa, Asia and Central America. Food Security 12:21-35.

Lim, K., Wichmann, B., Luckert, M.K. et al. 2020. Impacts of smallholder agricultural adaptation on food security: evidence from Africa, Asia, and Central America. Food Security 12, 21–35.

Lloyd-Smith, P., Zawojska, E., & Adamowicz, W. 2020. Moving beyond the Contingent Valuation versus Choice Experiment Debate: Presentation Effects in Stated Preference. Land Economics , 96(1), 1–24.

Maher, S. M., Fenichel, E. P., Schmitz, O. J., & Adamowicz, W. L. 2020. The economics of conservation debt: a natural capital approach to revealed valuation of ecological dynamics. Ecological Applications, n/a(n/a).

Marcoul, Philippe. 2020. Fish Abundance Information and Fishery’s Aggregate Behavior. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Vol.7 (5): pp.933-964.

Muringai, V., Fan, X., & Goddard, E. 2020. Canadian consumer acceptance of gene-edited versus genetically modified potatoes: A choice experiment approach. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics/Revue Canadienne d’agroeconomie, 68(1), 47–63.

Rantala, S., Swallow, B., Paloniemi, R., & Raitanen, E. 2020. Governance of forests and governance of forest information: Interlinkages in the age of open and digital data. Forest Policy and Economics, 113, 102123.

Rude J. 2020. COVID-19 and the Canadian Cattle/Beef Sector: Some Preliminary Analysis. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 68(2): 207-2013.

Staudigel, M. and S. Anders. 2020. Effects of the FDA's sodium reduction strategy in the U.S. market for chip products. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 173, 216-238.

Tong, Q., S. Anders, J. Zhang & L. Zhang. 2020. The roles of pollution concerns and environmental knowledge in making green food choices: Evidence from Chinese consumers. Food Research International, 130, 108881.

Tong, Qingmeng Tong & Qui, Feng. 2020. Population growth and land development: Investigating the bi-directional interactions, Ecological Economics, Volume 169, 106505, ISSN 0921-8009,

Truong, D., Parkins, J. R., & Davidson, D. J. 2020. What Shapes Public Engagement in Fracking Issues? Society & Natural Resources, 1-19.

Zheng, Yanan & Feng Qiu. 2020. Bioenergy in the Canadian Prairies: Assessment of accessible biomass from agricultural crop residues and identification of potential biorefinery sites, Biomass and Bioenergy, Volume 140, 105669, ISSN 0961-9534,


Adamowicz, W. L. Calderon-Etter, A. Entem, E.P. Fenichel, J.S. Hall, P. Lloyd-Smith, F.L. Ogden, J.A. Regina, M. Rouhi Rad, R.F. Stallard. "Assessing ecological infrastructure investments". 2019. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 116(12):5254-5261.

Bassi, E., J.R. Parkins, K. Caine. 2019. Situating emotions in social practices: Empirical insights from animal husbandry in the cow-calf industry. Sociologia Ruralis, Online First.

Boaitey,Albert, Ellen Goddard, Sandeep Mohapatra, 2019, Environmentally friendly breeding, spatial heterogeneity and effective carbon offset design in beef cattle, Food Policy, 84: 35-45,

Davidson, Debra J. 2019. "Exnovating for a renewable energy transition." Nature Energy, DOI:

Davidson, D., C. Rollins, L. Lefsrud, S. Anders and A. Hamann. 2019. Just don't call it climate change: Climate-skeptic farmer adoption of climate mitigative practices. Environmental Research Letters,

Goddard, Ellen, Violet Muringai, Albert Boaitey, (2019) Moral foundations and credence attributes in livestock production: Canada, Journal of Consumer Marketing,

Lloyd-Smith, P, J. Abbott, W. Adamowicz, D. Willard. 2019. "Decoupling the Value of Leisure Time from Labor Market Returns in Travel Cost Models". Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. 6(2): 1-28.

Lloyd-Smith, P. and H. An. 2019. Are Corporate Social Responsibility and Advertising Complements or Substitutes in Producing Firm Reputation?" Applied Economics. 51(21): 2275-2288.

Miller-Tait, E.J., S. Mohapatra, M.K. Luckert, B. Swallow. 2019. Processing technologies for undervalued grains in rural India: On Target? Food Security 11 (1): 151-166.

Mohapatra, Sandeep, Maria J. Montenegro, B. Swallow. 2019. "What Influence do Empowered Women Have? Land and the Reality of Women's Relative Power in Peru." Review of Economics of the Household

Wang, S. and H. An. 2019. Technical Change and Productivity Growth in the Alberta Logging Industry." Forest Policy and Economics. 102(2019): 130-137.

Zentner, Emilie, Kecinski, Maik, Letourneau, Angeline and Debra J. Davidson. 2019. Ignoring Indigenous peoples—climate change, oil development, and Indigenous rights clash in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Climatic Change 155(4): 533-544.