FILS Archive
Previous Presentations
The number refers to the Forest Industry Lecture No.
93. The Role of Africa’s Forests in Advancing the Global Climate Change Mitigation Agenda
Dr. Pamela Jagger, Professor of Environment and Sustainability, School for Environment and Sustainability, University of Michigan.
March 6, 2025
View March 2025 photo gallery - coming soon
92. Insights into Forest Adaptation from the Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change Network.
Dr. Linda Nagel, Dean & Professor, S.J. & Jessie E. Quinney College of Natural Resources, Utah State University.
November 7, 2024
View November 2024 photo gallery
91. Forest Management in New Brunswick: Past, Present, and Future.
Chris Ward, Assistant Deputy Minister, Government of New Brunswick.
March 7, 2024
90. Revisting ecosystem-based forest management: Do we really want to emulate natural disturbance?
Dr. Ellen Macdonald, professor emeritus, Department of Renewable Resources, University of Alberta. Edmonton, Alberta.
November 2, 2023
View photos from November 2023 FILS
89. The breath of the forest: Visualizing the unseen.
Lindsy Halleckson, artist, Lindsy Halleckson Studio, Minneapolis, MN
March 2, 2023
View photos of the March 2023 FILS in the gallery
88. Human and climate influence on tree species composition of temperate forests in Europe and its impact on timber supply.
Dr. Heinrich Spiecker, professor emeritus, Chair of Forest Growth and Dendroecology, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Germany.
November 3, 2022
View photos of the November 2022 FILS in the gallery
87. Indigenous Perspectives on Forestry.
Dr. Garry Merkel, BC RPF, Chair of UBC Faculty of Forestry's First Nations Council of Advisors.
March 10, 2022
View photos of the March 2022 FILS in the gallery
Dr. Terry L. Sharik, Research Professor, Emeritus Dean and Professor.
Michigan Technological University.
November 18, 2021
View November 2021 Photo Gallery
Esteban Galeano (Barb Thomas Lab)
Implementing cutting-edge molecular technologies in Alberta’s tree breeding programs to increase genetic gain and meet provincial policy requirements.
Kazi Hossain (Brad Pinno Lab)
Modelling intensive silviculture yield projection and sawlog profile for conifer plantations
Tanvir Ahmed Shovon (Charles Nock Lab)
Using imagery from unmanned aerial vehicles to analyze variation in snag frequency
84. Perspectives in Forestry Education - Celebrating the 50th anniversary of our
University of Alberta Forestry program. Matt Kristoff has a conversation with three Forestry professionals (UAlberta grads) about forest education and their own particular outcomes. December 10, 2020.
83. Challenges Facing Forest Management in BC: WE ARE NOT ALONE. Shane Berg, Deputy Chief Forester for the Province of BC, March 5, 2020
82. North America's Forest Industry: Interdisciplinary Applied Scientists Needed. Dr. Don Haid, corporate economist and director of industry analysis for Weyerhaeuser Company, November 7, 2019
81. Silviculture in Alberta: past, present and where to next. Victor Lieffers, March 7, 2019
80. "Market Driven Precision Silviculture with Financial Analysis and Environmental Considerations to Optimize Productivity and Sustainability of Forests" (video unavailable) Dr. Tom Fox, November 2018
79. "Poplar, a fast growing wood resource - are we maximizing its use?" Dr. Joris Van Acker, March 2018
78. "The strategic importance of Canada's forests in national drinking water security" Dr. B. Monica Emelko. November 2, 2017.
77. "Tree Improvement in the Genomics Era" Dr. Yousry A. El-Kassaby. Spring 2017
76. "Demographics and Technology Improve Lumber's Prospects" Paul Jannke. November 3, 2016.
75. "Emerging Challenges and Opportunities in the Boreal Forest Region of Canada" Dr. David Martell. March 3, 2016.
74. "Global Winds of Change: Global Forces Buffeting Forests and the Forest Industry" Dr. David Cohen. November 5, 2015.
73. "Nature-deficit disorder and the new nature movement" Richard Louv. March 5, 2015.
72. "From management to stewardship: viewing forests as complex adaptive systems in an uncertain world" Dr. Christian Messier November 6, 2014.
71. "The future looks bright for Alberta Forest Products" Mr. Edward (Ted) Seraphim March 2014.
66. The Global Competition for Land: The 4Fs (Food, Feed, Fiber and Fuel). Don Roberts. 10 November 2011.
70. "Looking Under the Bark Beetle Hood to Get a Better Grip at the Wheel." Dr Ken Raffa, Professor, Department of Entomology, University of Wisconsin-Madison. November 7, 2013.
69. Sustainable forest management: Balancing stand dynamics, natural disturbances, biodiversity, conservation, forest zoning, intensive management, multiple values... Dr David MacLean. 4 April 2013.
68. Can genetics help climate-proof our forests? Dr Sally Aitken. 1 November 2012.
67. Variable Retention in the Southern Hemisphere: Is Managing Fire-driven Forests an Ecological or a Social Issue? Dr Steve Read. 8 March 2012. Not available
65. The Economics of Forests as a Climate Mitigation Strategy: Global Opportunities and Challenges. Brian Murray. 10 March 2011.
64. Learning From the Future: Lessons From Scenario Analysis of Canada's Forests and Forest Sector. Peter N. Duinker. 4 November 2010.
63. The Mega-Fire Phenomenon: Risk Implications for Land Managers and Policy-Makers. Jerry Thomas Williams. 4 March 2010. Not Available
62. Can the Forest Sector Help to Mitigate Climate Change? Werner Kurz. 5 November 2009.
61. Does Canada's Forest Industry Have an Economic Future? Avrim Lazar. 5 March 2009. Not available
60. Will Forests Survive the Use and Abuse of Humans? Dr. James Beck. 6 November 2008. PDF Presentation.
59. Ecological Feedbacks Under Changing Environments: Implications for Sustainable Forestry. Dr. Dave Perry. March 6, 2008.
58. Forest Regeneration Trends in Canada: The Role of Dinosaurs, Political Correctness, and Emerging Pressures. Dr. Robert Wagner. November 8, 2007.
57. Where Does Canada Stand on Global Competition in the Forest Industry? Craig D. Neeser. March 8, 2007.
56. Thoughtful Intensive Silviculture: An Application of Statistical Process Control to Growing Trees. Dick Fisher. November 9, 2006. Not available
55. Getting to know the tango between forest and people: Social issues in Canadian forestry. Luc Bouthillier. March 9, 2006.
54. The Alberta Forest Products Industry: Realizing the Potential of the 21st Century. Hank Ketcham. November 3, 2005.
53. A Paradise of Forests and Forestry? The Case of Finland. Timo Kuuluvainen, Ph.D. March 31, 2005. Not available
52. Beyond myths and miracles: Biological potentials and social obstacles to use of gene modified trees in plantation forests. Steven Strauss, Ph.D. November 4, 2004.
51. Is even-aged management the right strategy for the Canadian boreal forest? Yves Bergeron, Ph.D. March 11, 2004.
50. Timber Supply and Sustainable Forests: A Global Overview. Roger Sedjo, PhD. November 13, 2004.
49. Ecosystems and Economies: Is Forestry Part of the Future? Bill Hunter, April 3, 2003.
48. Aboriginal Influences and the Original State of Nature. Charles Kay, PhD. April 11, 2002.
47. Are There Lessons for Canadian Foresters Lurking South of the Border? Jack Ward Thomas, PhD. November 8, 2001.
46. Logging the Globe: the Changing Context for Canadian Forestry. Patricia Marchak, PhD. March 22, 2001.
45. Intensive Forest Management: How Does it Work? Gordon Weetman, PhD. November 2, 2000.
44. Japanese Forests to Make Japanese Houses. Shin Nagata, PhD. March 23, 2000.
43. The Question of Scale in the Management of Poplar. Reini Stettler, November 4, 1999.
42. A Handbook for Would-Be CEO: Reinventing the Forestry Industry Starting at the Roots. David Emerson, March 25, 1999.
41. The Future of the Forest Management Industry: Highly Mechanized Plantations and Reserves OR a Knowledge - Intensive Landscape Approach? Chadwick Dearing Oliver, October 15, 1998
40. The Challenge of Adaptive Forest Management: Aren't People Part of the Ecosystem Too? George H. Weyerhaeuser, Jr. March 16, 1998
39. The Fight Over Forest and How to Resolve It. Alston Chase, Ph.D. October 16, 1997.
38. Managing Change - Strategies for Future Challenges in the Forest Industry. George R. Richards, 20 March 1997.
37. Beyond 2000: The Challenges of the Pulp and Paper Industry. Lise Lachapelle, 10 October 1996.
36. Accommodating Wildlife in Forest Management Plans and Practices, Is It Possible. Mr. Max Peterson. 7 March 1996.
35. Life Cycle Assessment Studies in the Timber Industry: Pros and Cons. Dr. Arno Fruhwald. 2 November 1995.
34. Global fibre Resources Situation: The Challenges for the 1990's. James A. McNutt. 28 February 1995.
33. Alumni Presentations: Past, Present and the Future; Forestry and the Failure of Technocracy. Lois Dellert - Class of 1979; Biological Truth and the Court of Public Opinion. Glen Dunsworth - Class of 1975; Why My Next Forestry Work Associates Will be Less Likely to be Foresters. Barry Northey - Class of 1979. Educating Forest Resources Managers: Challenges and Opportunities Val Lemay - Class of 1981.
32. The Deforestation of Siberia: Economic and Environmental Problems in Russian Forest Management. Lisa A. Tracy. 25 April 1994.
31. The Canadian Forest Products Industry: Competitive Challenges in the 1990's. Patricia M. Mohr. 10 November 1993.
30. Unconventional Wisdom: Reflections on Polarization, Politics, Prosperity and the Future of the Canadian Forest Industry. David L. McInnes. 9 March 1993.
29. Forest Health Issues: An Entomologist's Perspective. David L. Wood. 18 November 1992.
28. Environmental Regulations and the Implications for Canadian Export. Don G. Roberts. 18 March 1992.
27. Sustainable Forestry: Can We Use and Sustain Our Forests? J.P. Kimmins. 21 November 1991.
26. Forestry After the End of Nature. Clark S. Binkley. 20 March 1991
25. Developing Silvicultural Alternatives for the Boreal Forests: An Alaskan Perspective on Regeneration of White Spruce. John Zasada. 7 November 1990.
24. The Contribution of Old Growth to the New Forestry. Jerry F. Franklin. 4 April 1990.
23. Vision and Reality - The View From Sweden. Bjorn Hagglund. 17 October 1989. Not available
22. New Dimensions in the Development of Forest Policy: A View From the Trenches. T.M. (Mike) Apsey. 16 March 1989.
21. Forest Policies: Public Duty and Private Action. Adam H. Zimmerman. 1 November 1988.
20. The Social Renewability of Forestry. Harold R. Walt. 30 March 1988.
19. People - Managing Trees: Understanding Today's Environment for Natural Resource Management. Mary Jo Lavin. 19 November 1987.
18. From NSR to Intensive Forest Management. Hugo Von Sydow. 12 March 1987.
17. Northern Forest Management for Wildlife. Gordon W. Guillon. 16 October 1986.
16. Land-Use Planning for Forest Harvesting and Environmental Concerns. John A. Marlow. 28 November 1985.
15. Air Pollution and Forest Resources - The Nature of the Threat. Peter Rennie. 28 March 1985. Not available
14. Forestry Productivity Limits: Real, Imagined and Potential. Conor Boyd. 24 January 1985.
13. Increasing the Land Base and Yield Through Drainage. J. Paivanen. 15 March 1984.
12. The Canadian Schools of Forestry - Retrospect and Prospect. V.J. Nordin. 19 January 1984.
11. Timber Management Scheduling on Public Lands - Why the Future is Not Like the Past. Dr. K.N. Johnson. 29 March 1983. Not available.
10. Stocking Control and Its Effect on Yields. Peder Braathe. 4 November 1982.
9. Labour's Role in Forest Resource Management. John J. (Jack) Munro. 25 March 1982.
8. Space, Time and Perspectives in Forestry. Kenneth A. Armson. 26 November 1981.
7. Federal Forestry Commitments in the 1980's. Roger Simmons. 5 December 1980.
6. Breeding for Variable Environments. Gene Namkoong. 14 August 1980.
5. The Role of the Federal Government in Forestry. F.L.C. Reed. 5 March 1980.
4. Agro-Forestry - Prospects and Problems. K.F.S. King. 27 September 1979.
3. Premises of Energy Forestry in Sweden. Gustaf Siren. 7 March 1979.
2. The Role of Integrated Companies in Western Canada. W. Gerald Burch. 15 March 1978.
1. Industrial Forestry in a Changing Canada.C. Ross. Silversides. 17 November 1977.