
Our world-class research programs are focused on understanding the complexities of natural and managed ecosystems with the aim of providing creative solutions to ensure their long-term resilience and sustainability. Through integrated, multidisciplinary approaches we work to provide the scientific foundation for better approaches to management, conservation, and restoration of ecosystems and landscapes. We are home to a diverse and complementary group of outstanding scientists who provide a powerful and exciting research environment.

Agriculture research

Agriculture and the Environment

Our research aims at developing sustainable agricultural practices and avoiding or minimizing environmental contamination.

Conservation Biology

Our research in this area focuses on understanding drivers and patterns of biodiversity, at various spatial and temporal scales and organizational levels, and how these are affected by human-caused and natural disturbances and stresses.

Environmental Soil Science

Our research in soil science focus on water and nutrient cycling in agricultural and forested ecosystems, soil carbon sequestration, greenhouse gas emissions from soils, and the impacts of natural and anthropogenic disturbance on soil quality as well as forest and crop production.

Forest Ecology and Management

Our research in this realm focuses on understanding the function of forest organisms, ecosystems, and landscapes with a view towards their sustainable management for a diversity of ecological, economic and social values.

Reclamation and Restoration of Land and Water

Our research focuses on reclaiming terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems impacted by anthropogenic activities, including agriculture, forestry, urban development and industry, and natural disturbance such a fire and floods.