Call for nominations for the 2021/22 PDFA executive council

5 August 2021

As outlined in Article 6 of the PDFA Bylaws, I'm pleased to announce the call for nominations for members to sit on the 2021/22 PDFA Executive Council. The term in office for all positions is one year.

The details and deadlines for the nomination and election process are outlined below.


All current members of the PDFA in good standing are eligible to be nominated or self-nominated for election to any position on the Executive Council:

  • President
  • Vice President Internal
  • Vice President External
  • Vice President Communications
  • Vice President Operations
  • Vice President Finance
  • Members-at-Large (up to four)

A description of the roles and responsibilities of each position is outlined in Article 5.2.3 of the PDFA Bylaws.

An individual can only be nominated for one position in a given election, but nominees may change the position they are seeking until seven days prior to the opening of the campaign period.

Nomination Process

If you are interested in nominating yourself or another member, please submit the following information by email to me at

  • The nominee's first and last name;
  • The nominee's faculty and department/institute affiliations;
  • The position for which the person is being nominated;
  • The nominee's email address; and
  • The name and email of the person(s) submitting the nomination.

Nominations must be received by Friday, September 3 at 4:30 pm.

When a nomination is received, I will contact each nominee to confirm acceptance of any third-party nomination and request a brief biography and statement of interest to be shared with the membership during the campaign period.

Key Election Dates

The timeline for the election process is as follows:

September 3: Deadline for nominations
September 10: Deadline for nominees to submit biographical information and campaign statements
September 13: Deadline for nominees to confirm position being sought
September 20: Campaign period opens
September 27: Voting period opens
October 4: Voting period closes

Voting will be open to all current PDFA members in good standing via a secure online voting system.

If you have any questions about the process or the responsibilities of the executive, please email me at

All the best,
Leyla Baghersad Renani
Chief Returning Officer, PDFA