How to Evaluate a Student

We thank you for taking the time to evaluate your students on their performance during the placement. Here are a few tips on using the Assessment of Clinical Performance (ACP) Tool and what some of the credits mean.

When evaluating the student please refer to the Rating Scale and Anchor Descriptors that are at the beginning of the online tool. In addition there is an online education module that will describe the tool in more detail at

At the end of the placement when evaluating the student with respect to receiving credit or credit with exceptional performance, you are evaluating the student on how they have performed OVERALL on the assessment items and their behaviour throughout the placement. Have they met or exceeded the expectations of a student e.g. were they hard working, used initiative, professional etc.

What does it mean when I give a grade of Credit or Credit with Exceptional Performance and what does it mean not to give credit for a placement/fail?

Credit - The student has successfully completed the placement, has shown some areas of strength and some areas that may require additional work, but overall the performance was that expected of a student at that experience level.

Credit with exceptional performance - Indicates that throughout the clinical placement, the student's overall performance has been significantly better than would have been expected of a student at that experience level. The overall performance was outstanding!

Credit with reservation - The student has successfully completed the placement, however the instructor has noticed areas of significant weakness that require further work, but do not warrant a failure. The CI may recommend that the student complete another placement in a similar rotational area to further consolidate the competencies specific to that rotation. Documentation about specific incidents/behaviours with dates is helpful

No Credit/Fail - The student has not met the expectations of a student at that experience level, and therefore has not successfully completed the placement. Red flags exist (e.g. for safety, significant problems with caseload competencies, professional issues) and these should be brought up preferably when they happen as well as at mid term evaluations. The CI should communicate with the site coordinator or ACCE at any time that a student is at risk of failing a placement. Should a student fail they will have to repeat a clinical placement in a similar rotational area to consolidate skills. Again documentation regarding behaviours and skills (with dates if possible) will be helpful in determining failure.