Strategic Compass
Department of Physical Therapy Strategic Themes
With an overarching focus of creating a diverse and inclusive environment, elevate the Department (and the profession) through 4 Strategic Themes: develop and strengthen teaching, foster partnerships, enhance research and knowledge translation/implementation.
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Strategic theme 1: Focus on people, creating an inclusive community
Success evidenced by:
- Attraction of a diverse group of highly qualified MScPT students
- Graduate a diverse and inclusive group of work- ready, safe, effective, evidence-informed Physical Therapy practitioners
- Strengthen existing teaching-intensive Explore opportunities to broaden and enhance capacity, prioritizing succession planning for anticipated retirements
- Attract and develop 1-2 tenure track faculty who contribute to physical therapy and rehabilitation science, as part of succession plan for anticipated retirements
- Increase number of graduate students supervised by Physical Therapy faculty
- Mentorship of new and existing teaching intensive and tenure track faculty
Roadmap to Success:
- Review admissions policies/procedures to align with best practices
- Increase enrollment of self-identified Indigenous students to 6% (7 students) of student cohort by 2025
- Explore admissions processes to increase diversity in student cohort:
- Demographics
- Academic backgrounds
- Students with disabilities
- Evaluate Student and Graduate performance:
- Student performance in clinical education, and national exams
- Student satisfaction with teaching and learning in the MScPT Program
- Student success in combined Programs (MScPT/PhD and MBA)
- Focus recruitment efforts on attracting and supporting staff and faculty from diverse communities:
- Tap into existing faculty/other on-campus networks to mentor new faculty/staff, supporting growth, building community and contributing to their success
- Increase PT supervised graduate students:
- Through new and existing partnerships
- Devote time for students to build networks
- Market the combined MScPT/PhD Program
- Establish formal mentorship programs in teaching and research for existing and new Department members
Strategic theme 2: Teaching for the 21st century
Success evidenced by:
- Alignment between student learning needs, best practices in education and faculty teaching practices
- Participation in the creation and implementation of a professional development program in teaching for Physical Therapy faculty
- Teaching excellence reflected in maintenance of high student performance ratings and metrics of student satisfaction
- Physical therapy graduates with the knowledge and skills to meet the needs of evolving practice environments (primary care)
Roadmap to success:
- Define what works well and what hinders student learning (where we are at)
- Define the learning needs of our future students (where we need to be)
- Explore alternative content delivery models, optimize the use of technology to enhance teaching and learning
- Further development of teaching infrastructure (i.e. define a standard of teaching quality for our Department, define a process to assess teaching quality, PD program and mentorship for faculty)
- A forward-looking curriculum responsive to future needs in practice and an evolving healthcare environment
- Explore online and flexible learning opportunities (models for distanced cohorts/ evenings and weekends)
Strategic theme 3: Partnerships
Success evidenced by:
- Multiple Department members participate actively (bringing solutions) on:
- Different decision-making bodies—provincially, federally
- At community levels (e.g. long term care centres)
- With funding agencies, Strategic Clinical Networks, Patient Care Networks, Boards and Clinical Working groups
- Presence on decision-making bodies that are interdisciplinary and collaborative with a greater awareness of physical therapy at a community level
Roadmap to success:
- Inventory existing partnerships and focus on areas that advance our strategic goals - refocus our energies to areas that benefit our profession
- Community Partnerships:
- Strengthen links with Development Office to identify donors (Individuals, Government and Industry) to support Department specific initiatives
- Increased community partnerships with diverse mandates
- Clinical Partnerships:
- Advance practice through clinical placements in niche and strategic areas of practice
- AHS (facilitate research)
- Build research capacity and partnerships through adjunct appointments with high profile local, national and global collaborators
- Cultivate international partnership, formal and informal, to encourage a Physical Therapy Fellowship program where participants come with funding
- Collaborate with Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine alumni engagement efforts to identify and foster activities that meet their ongoing life-long learning goals:
- Survey Market – needs analysis on what to develop – target recent grads, clinicians, alumni
- Support CME Accredited Post-Grad courses/lectures/online
Strategic theme 4: Research and technology
Success evidenced by:
- Leadership in national/international rehabilitation research and technology efforts (measured by funds awarded, dissemination of research findings, international recognition, and leadership roles in local, national and international organizations)
- Integration of novel rehabilitation technologies and approaches into the community, clinical practice, and entry-level education
Roadmap to success:
- Engage community partners to develop capacity and expertise of students/staff
- Expanded research focus, building on existing expertise, to bridge gap from lab to community
- Establish a Department Research and Technology Working Group (measured by creation)
- Research focusing on assessment of impact of technology on health
- Align efforts with already existing artificial intelligence (AI) capacity on campus to expand reach of research (e.g. big data sets)