Two philosophy students published in Spring 2021 issue of METEORITE
14 April 2021

Jonah Dunch (BA Honors in Philosophy, class of 2021) and Thomas Black (BA in Psychology, Philosophy Minor and Ethics Certificate, class of 2021) both have articles published in the Spring 2021 issue of METEORITE: The Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy at the University of Michigan.
Jonah’s article, “In Defense of the Senses: A Critique of Plato’s Epistemology in Republic V,” started as a term paper in Prof. Corkum's seminar on Plato in Fall 2018 and Thomas’s article, “Temperance and Sustainability: An Argument for the Competence of Neo-Aristotelian Virtue Ethics in Environmentalism,” started as a term paper in Prof. Welchman’s seminar on Environmental Virtue Ethics in Winter 2020.
Click here to download the Spring issue and read Jonah’s and Thomas’s articles:
Both were also invited to present their work at the 2021 Meteorite Undergraduate Philosophy Conference held online on April 10, 2021.
Congratulations, Jonah and Thomas!