100 Level
PHIL 101 and PHIL 102 are our two standard introductory courses, and sections of both courses are offered each term. In PHIL 101, you will be introduced to philosophy through ethical and political questions, such as: Is killing ever justified? Do I have moral obligations toward non-human animals? Do I have a duty to obey an unjust law? What would a just society look like? In PHIL 102, you will be introduced to philosophy through questions about knowledge and reality, such as: What is knowledge? Are all beliefs equal? Are human beings free? What is the relation between mind and matter? How do we know that other minds exist?
We also offer both symbolic and practical logic courses. In PHIL 120, you will learn to examine ordinary language carefully and systematically, translating it into symbolic notation, a process that will help you appreciate the structure of argumentation and reasoning. In PHIL 125, you will improve your critical thinking skills by analyzing different kind of arguments found in real world examples and learning how to spot and avoid fallacies.
Click on the left navigation bar to access our current and past lists of courses.
Fall 2024
PHIL 101 LEC A1: Introduction to Philosophy: Values and Society
Jack Zupko
MW 11:00-11:50
PHIL 102 LEC A1: Introduction to Philosophy: Knowledge and Reality
MW 10:00-10:50
PHIL 120 LEC A1: Symbolic Logic
Hassan Masoud
MWF 13:00-13:50
PHIL 125 LEC X01: Practical Logic
Hassan Masoud
R 18:00-21:00
Winter 2025
PHIL 101 LEC B1: Introduction to Philosophy: Values and Society
Jorge Sanchez Perez
T 14:00-15:20
PHIL 102 LEC B1: Introduction to Philosophy: Knowledge and Reality
Phil Corkum
MW 11:00-11:50
PHIL 120 LEC 850: Symbolic Logic
Hassan Masoud
T 18:00-21:00
PHIL 120 LEC B1: Symbolic Logic
TR 9:30-10:50
PHIL 125 LEC B1: Practical Logic
Hassan Masoud
MWF 13:00-13:50