Give to Philosophy

A contribution to the Department of Philosophy is a powerful way to make an impact on our students' lives. Contributions are used primarily to support Graduate Student Travel as well as our Annual Graduate and Postgraduate Conference. Some funds many also be used for visiting speakers and special undergraduate events. If you would like your donation to be directed toward another area, please indicate it on the form.

To make a one-time or recurring donation, click "Donate" here. A charitable tax receipt will be issued for all donations.

You can also donate to support the Karen Pilkington Memorial Scholarship in the History of PhilosophyKaren Pilkington was a much‐loved teacher and colleague in the Department, serving as a sessional instructor from 1996‐1999. She was a gifted teacher, with a verve and passion for philosophy that could not help inspiring those around her. She died of leukemia in 2000. The scholarship is awarded each year in her honor to a student with superior academic achievement who demonstrates a special interest in the history of philosophy.

Or you can support the Dr. Richard Bosley Graduate Scholarship in Philosophy. Dr. Bosley was a professor in the Department of Philosophy from 1963 until his retirement in 1995, and he continued to teach in the Department as an instructor until 2005. Dr. Bosley was a specialist of Aristotle, with special interests in the transmission of Aristotle’s ideas into the Western canon via his Arabic interpretersHe was a passionate teacher who had a lasting impact on many of his students. The scholarship is awarded to a graduate student with superior academic achievement registered in a master’s or doctoral program in philosophy in the area of Greek or Medieval Philosophy.

If you are interested in creating an endowment that provides support in perpetuity, please contact the Chair of the Department or the Assistant Dean, Advancement, in the Faculty of Arts.

Seats for Scholars: Enhancing the Student Experience

We’re excited to let you know about the Philosophy Department’s new campaign to replace worn out furniture in the department’s reading room and undergraduate student lounge.

Our old chairs and settees have been loved to death. Some are so decrepit, we have to throw them out. Department resources are limited, and these spaces are important for our students as they go through their academic journey, so we are coming together to reinvigorate them!

That’s why we are reaching out to our alumni, faculty, and friends for help in raising $5,000 for new seating for the lounge and reading room. Studies show between 30 to 70 per cent of students report back and neck pain from sitting in labs and classrooms. Our students deserve better — comfortable chairs sturdy enough to bear the weightiest philosophical arguments.

A gift of any amount will be gratefully received through our campaign page. If you would care to sponsor a chair in full ($450), we would be very pleased to attach a nameplate on your behalf. And if you can’t support us financially, you can still help by spreading the word to other friends of philosophy and of the Faculty of Arts.

Learn more and donate