For Fall 2014, Kathrin Koslicki organizes the speaker series Current Research in Metaphysics. Take a look at the list of speakers.
As this speaker series will be part of Prof. Koslicki's Fall 2014 seminar "Current Research in Metaphysics" (PHIL 400/500), talks will take on Tuesdays at some point in the 5-8pm period (details to be made available at a later point). Also being part of the Philosophy Department's Colloquium, everyone (not only those enrolled in the seminar) is invited to attend the speaker series.
If you are a student who is planning to enrol or become a regular participant in the PHIL 400/500 seminar, you will have special privileges. Prof. Koslicki will ask the speakers to provide their papers ahead of time, along with some recommendations for additional readings, and seminar participants will discuss these materials before each visit in order to prepare themselves. She will also arrange for some opportunities for students to interact with the visitors outside of the seminar in a more informal setting, over coffee or lunch. This will be a great chance to find out about exciting new research that is currently being done in metaphysics! For more information contact Prof. Koslicki.