Several philosophy graduate students will deliver papers at some of the society meetings of the 2013 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, which will be held June 1-8 at the University of Victoria:
- James Bachmann on "Pure consciousness: a problem for representationalism?" (at the Canadian Philosophical Association)
- Kristin Rodier on "Intercorporeality in Sartre, Merleau-Ponty, and Beauvoir" (at the Society for Existential and Phenomenological Theory and Culture) and on "Femininity and lived time in Beauvoir's La Vieillesse" (symposium on 'The existential politics of time: feminist/anti-racist/critical perspectives' at the Canadian Philosophical Association)
- Hande Tuna on "The unDerridization of Nancy: tracing the transformations in Nancy's idea of community" (at the Canadian Philosophical Association)
- Keith Underkoffler on "Aretaic assessment and the non-identity problem" (at the Canadian Philosophical Association)
Further presentations by our graduate students at upcoming conferences:
- Juan Santos on "Virtue and happiness: the Humean connection" at the conference What's Virtue Got To Do With It? (May 3-4, University of Toronto) and on "Shamelessly proud: a Humean conception of pride and modesty" at the 40th International Hume Conference (July 22-27, Belo Horizonte, Brazil)
- Hande Tuna on "Artistic beauty as free beauty" at the Pacific Division meeting of the American Philosophical Association (March 27-31, San Francisco)