Postdoctoral Fellows
Applications are currently being considered for individuals with strong PhD training in one of the health or related disciplines including some training in quantitative methods and analyses, and an interest in health services research/aging, residential care for the elderly, knowledge translation and/or improvement science. Interested individuals should submit an electronic letter describing their training goals and the potential fit to Dr Carole Estabrooks
Current Postdoctoral Fellows
Dr. Yinfei Duan (University of Alberta) is a TREC Postdoctoral Fellow with Dr Carole Estabrooks. Trained as a nurse, she earned her PhD in nursing from the University of Minnesota in 2020. She is currently working with the Influence of Context on Implementation and Improvement (ICII) project. Her research focuses on how various contextual levels - macro, meso, and micro affect implementation of innovations, and eventually affect quality of care, quality of life for residents, and quality of work life for staff in long-term care homes. She specializes in quantitative methods, including advanced statistical modeling. Additionally, she uses mixed-methods that blend quantitative, qualitative, and configurational methods to tackle intricate questions in health services and implementation research within the long-term care sector. |
Dr. Cybele Angel (University of Alberta) is a TREC Postdoctoral Fellow with Dr Carole Estabrooks working on the Missed Care project. Her research area of focus is marginalized populations, mental health and women's health. Cybele is interested in improving the working conditions of healthcare providers to improve care for marginalized patient populations. |
Dr. Seyedehtanaz (Tannaz) Saeidzadeh (University of Alberta) is a TREC Postdoctoral Fellow with Dr Carole Estabrooks working on the RAI-MDS data as well as the TREC "CANARY project", a project validating and assessing the practical utility of a system level indicator of quality. Prior to that she led the process evaluation of the BC INFORM project. |
Dr. Tosin Akintunde (University of Alberta) is a TREC Postoctoral Fellow with Dr. Carole Estabrooks. His work will explore the experience and impact of care aides in long-term care facilities caring for residents who have a history of psychological trauma. | |
Dr. Tatiana Penconek (University of Alberta) is a TREC Postdoctoral Fellow with Dr. Carole Estabrooks. She will work on the Manager project and the TRACE project (Trauma Research for Adverse Care aides' Experiences). |
Past Postdoctoral Fellows
Alba Iaconi (2023)
Yuting Song (2018)
Adam Easterbrook (2018)
Maryam Nesari (2017)
Amanda Beacom (2017)
Elizabeth Dogherty (2015)
Sienna Caspar (2015)
Natalia Ricci (2015)
Elizabeth Quinlan, (co-supervisor; 2008)
Mandi Newton (2007)
Susan Jack (co-supervisor; 2006)
Catherine Scott (co-supervisor), 2006
Lars Wallin (2005)
Joanne Profetto-McGrath (2004)