Nursing Simulation Centre
The Nursing Simulation Centre is 1307 square metres (14,068 square feet) of state-of-the-art space where Faculty of Nursing undergraduate and graduate students engage in immersive learning using a variety of simulated teaching-learning strategies including: standardized patients; low-, medium- and high-fidelity simulators; and an extensive collection of training models. In addition, the Nursing Simulation Centre employs a group of standardized patients - individuals who play the role of patients - to provide learners with opportunities to develop and practice communication and skills.
All six learning labs are equipped with SMART technology, live streaming, and audio and video recording capability. Each learning lab replicates an acute care hospital environment and is fully equipped with the type of equipment found across a variety of clinical areas (e.g. beds, stretchers, IV pumps, glucometers, and live headwalls with medical gasses and suction).
This realistic environment of the Nursing Simulation Centre supports immersive learning in a safe environment and provides learning experiences that are high risk or may be difficult to obtain in the clinical setting (e.g. cardiac arrest or birthing of a baby).
The High-Fidelity Simulation Suite is home to five simulated human patients, ranging in age. Each human patient simulator has a name, a health and social history, and life-like features such as blinking eyes; heart, lung, and bowel sounds; voices; and can respond to care provided by students. One of our adults is an obstetrical simulator that can simulate a live birth!
Simulation Learning:
- Facilitates acquisition, application and consolidation of knowledge.
- Offers opportunities to practice increasingly complex skills in a safe and supportive environment.
- Provides an environment to develop and test clinical judgment in a nursing environment.
- Fosters reflexivity.