NMHI Bridge Funding

To support neuroscience and mental health research activities that were ranked highly but not funded in the most recent CIHR competition. Bridge funding is intended to help maintain research momentum and sustain research programs to allow Neuroscience and Mental Health Institute (NMHI) members to successfully compete in a following competition. 

Applicants may apply for a bridge award of up to $40,000

To be eligible for funding, the applicant must:

  • Be a NMHI academic member when application was submitted to CIHR,
  • Have had their CIHR application reviewed with Scientific Officer notes,
  • Provide documented financial need to evidence funding is required for the research project to maintain research momentum,
  • Not hold other bridge funding for the same research ideas concurrently,
  • Have participated in the internal NMHI, department or faculty review process prior to submission of the grant. 

Deadline: September 18, 2024

Application process
Applicants that meet the bridge funding criteria should submit the following:

  • Review documents provided by CIHR including SO notes, and the notice of decision. Please indicate the total number of times this grant has been submitted for funding consideration; 
  • A brief project description (1/2 page maximum);
  • A brief budget including the dollar value of bridge funding requested, up to $40,000 (1 page maximum); 
  • Description of the consequences of not receiving bridge funding (1/2 page maximum);
  • A summary table of the open research accounts held including the funding remaining in each;
  • A justification of the request for funds in the context of all other funding currently held, and how these other funds can/cannot be used to meet the budget requested (1 page maximum); 
  • A description of how the bridge funds will be used to increase the applicant’s competitiveness in an upcoming CIHR competition (1/2 page maximum).
  • Proof of internal review (if not reviewed through the NMHI grant review process)

Please submit this information to nmhicoms@ualberta.ca

For further information contact the NMHI at nmhicoms@ualberta.ca

As a condition of bridge funding, awardees must resubmit to an upcoming CIHR competition. 

All publications, including presentations and public messages, arising from research supported by NMHI grants and/or awards must acknowledge the support of the NMHI. Please download the NMHI logo