MARD Publications
Alternate Transportation for Seniors: An Examination of Service Providers in Urban and Rural Alberta
- Alternate transportation for seniors has been identified as an unmet need in many jurisdictions throughout North America and Alberta is no exception. Increased longevity and the aging of the baby boomers has heightened both the awareness and the need for responsive models of alternate transportation. In this Executive Summary and Final Report, we report on the availability of alternate transportation service provision for seniors in the province of Alberta across regional and urban/rural settings. We also identify the strengths and gaps of that service provision.
An In-Depth Analysis of Ride-Scheduling Software Programs
- This comprehensive report provides information on the different ride-scheduling software options available to organizations providing alternate transportation to seniors and those with disabilities.
Capital Region Board Transportation Needs Assessment of Seniors and Persons with Disability
- Two Transportation Needs Assessments of seniors and PWD were conducted by MARD for the Capital Region Board - the first Transportation Needs Assessment was conducted in 2015 in a sub-region of the Capital Region (Lamont County and the town of Redwater) and the second Transportation Needs Assessment was conducted in 2016 in the remaining sub-regions of the Capital Region. The overall objectives of the two Transportation Needs Assessments were to: 1) identify factors associated with unmet transportation needs of seniors (65 years and older) and PWD (18 years and older); 2) identify attributes that make alternate transportation for seniors (ATS) services and specialized transit (ST) services for PWD more 'user-friendly'; and 3) assess the need for ATS and ST services, as well as the need for intermunicipal and regional medical transit services within the Capital Region and the importance of having municipal funding available for transportation services.
Guides to Mobility and Independence
- Mobility is important to an individual's health and independence. However, sometimes health conditions and other circumstances limit mobility. When that happens it is necessary to find alternative ways of accessing services that are important to an individual's health and well-being. To assist in this effort, we have put together a listing of organizations and businesses that provide in-home services and transportation in Edmonton and area as well as Calgary and area. All of the organizations and businesses listed in this guide were contacted or identified through web-based searches. As well, a majority of the organizations listed have a focus on seniors, offer in-home services, and/or offer seniors a discount toward the services they offer.
Medical Conditions and Driving
- Informational brochure on medical conditions and driving including information on high risk drivers, illnesses that affect driving, warning signs of unsafe driving, and medications and driving.
Myths & Facts: Information for Health Care Professionals, Patients, and Families on Assessment and Referral Issues
- Issues related to driving are some of the most difficult and perplexing for health care professionals and for patients and their families. Challenges associated with the driving issue often are heightened because myths are commonplace. This booklet identifies and remedies common myths about senior drivers and provides tips and advice to help health care professionals and their patients and families meet the challenges associated with the driving issue and to help manage risk.
Perceptions and Use of ATS for Seniors: Results from a Provincial Survey
- The objective of this research was to 'hear from the seniors themselves' what they consider important in alternate transportation service provision. Areas of alternate transportation of specific interest included the respondents': 1) perceptions of the importance of the 5 A's of senior friendly transportation; 2) awareness of alternate transportation options in their community; 3) use of both public and alternate means of transportation; and 4) satisfaction with transportation options in their community.
Provincial Transportation Needs Assessment
- In 2016-2017, MARD conducted a Provincial Transportation Needs Assessment of seniors and persons with disabilities (PWD). Results related to seniors are available for each of the five Alberta Health Services Zones as well as for the province as a whole. For PWD, results are presented by urban and rural Alberta. In each of the reports, there is valuable information on the unmet transportation needs of seniors and PWD and what these individuals think alternate transportation services should look like.
- Seniors: Alberta, North Zone, Edmonton Zone, Central Zone, Calgary Zone, South Zone
- PWD: Rural/Urban
Responding to COVID-19 Transportation Challenges
In April 2020, MARD held a series of videoconferences with ATS service providers and FCSS organizations to understand how they were responding to the challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. We asked questions about responding to demand, managing health and safety, and strengthening coordination. The findings from these videoconferences are presented in the following final report.
Transportation Toolkit for the Implementation of Alternate Transportation Services in Alberta
- MARD, in collaboration with a number of stakeholders including the Ministry of Seniors and Housing, has developed a Toolkit to assist municipalities and community organizations in building and sustaining an Alternate Transportation for Seniors (ATS) service in their region or community. Sections in the Toolkit include Getting Started, Developing & Implementing a Project Plan, Conducting a Needs Assessment, Developing & Launching Your Service, Receiving Feedback & Evaluating Your Service, and Building a Sustainable Service.