Prof. Tamar Meshel co-edits collection on dispute resolution in international watercourses and the oceans

New collection features research by leading authorities in water law

Sarah Kent - 16 October 2020

International water law expert Tamar Meshel, an assistant professor at the University of Alberta Faculty of Law, has co-edited a new collection that examines the law of international watercourses and the law of the sea from a dispute resolution perspective.

Meshel co-edited A Bridge over Troubled Waters: Dispute Resolution in the Law of International Watercourses and the Law of the Sea (Brill) alongside Helene Ruiz Fabri, Erik Franckx and Marco Benatar.

Chapters explore “traditional” methods of dispute resolution; the role of organizations in dispute settlement; the role of substantive and procedural principles in dispute resolution; and case studies on dispute resolution in the Nile and the Arctic.

The collection will be of interest to law students and academics, as well as practitioners working in the fields of international watercourses law and the law of the sea.