Though we often hear happy stories of law students who graduated and went on to find rewarding careers in their profession, it's not often we are reminded of students who were never able to walk across the Convocation stage.
As a result of the First World War, 37 Alberta-based law students - including some studying at the University of Alberta Faculty of Law - lost their lives, and with that, their chance of ever finishing law school. Most of those who perished were between the ages of 18 and 30, and while some were born and raised Albertans there were others who came to the province from across Canada and even from across the globe.
November 2018 - which marks the 100th anniversary of the ending of the First World War - is a fitting time to recognize and remember those who died, and thanks to the Legal Archives Society of Alberta's project titled "We Have Not Forgotten," that is exactly what will happen.
On November 9 at the Calgary Court Center, those 37 students will be posthumously admitted to the Alberta bar - the result of a resolution passed by the Law Society of Alberta's board of directors.
Current law students and families of those who perished are expected to be in attendance.
If you would like to attend, please RSVP to lasa@legalarchives.ca.
(Full biographies can be found here).
Lieutenant Thoburn Stephens Allan, MC
Private Francis Benedict Barnes
Private Percy Douglas Sinclair Broad
Private Henry Humphreys Dinning
Lieutenant Albert Graham Eakins
Lance Corporal Nelson Rankin English
Lieutenant Thomas Harold Fennell
Second Lieutenant Samuel Cranswick Ferguson
Corporal Desmond St. Clair George
Lieutenant Pierre-Eugene Guay, MC
Private William Alfred Lipsett
Lieutenant William Roberts Lister, MC
Corporal John William Gow Logan
Sergeant John Dalton MacWilliams
Lieutenant Warine Frederick Martindale
Lieutenant William Carey McKee
Lance Corporal Thomas Gordon McLean
Second Lieutenant Douglas Rutherford Morison
Lance Corporal Frank Procter Oldroyd
Lieutenant Frederick Arnott Perraton
Captain Ernest Frederick John Vernon Pinkham
Second Lieutenant Llewellyn Isaac Hilton Roberts
Corporal Alexander Everett Ross
Private Harold Alexander Skene
Second Lieutenant Roy Clarke Steckley