Dean Paton and Class of 2016 Gold Medallist Allison Boutillier.
On Wednesday, June 8, 2016, students, faculty, family, and friends gathered at Northern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium to celebrate Spring Convocation for the University of Alberta's Faculty of Law and Faculty of Engineering. At the ceremony, Dean Paul Paton presented 160 Juris Doctor (JD) degrees and one Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) to Dr. Hadley Friedland.
"Congratulations to the University of Alberta Faculty of Law Class of 2016," said Dean Paton. "In the two years I have been Dean of the Faculty of Law, I have been impressed and inspired by the promise and potential of our students - both inside and outside the classroom. I look forward to following the contributions of this talented group to the legal profession, to public service, to Canada, and to the world. It's an honour and a privilege to have helped steward this part of their journey as professionals and leaders."
At Convocation, L.Gen (retd) the Honourable Roméo Dallaire was presented with an Honorary Doctor of Laws degree and addressed the graduates. L.Gen Dallaire, a distinguished author, lecturer, and humanitarian, was in command of the United Nations assistance mission in Rwanda when genocide broke out in 1994. He urged the graduates to be leaders and to shape Canada and the world with a strong sense of humanity and equality.
Following Convocation, a reception was held at the Law Centre to provide graduates with an opportunity to celebrate their achievement with family and friends. At the reception, Dean Paton recognized three outstanding JD graduates who received medals in recognition of their academic achievement.
Allison Boutillier was awarded the Horace Harvey Medal in Law, which recognizes the graduating student with the highest academic standing for the work prescribed for the JD degree. Ms. Boutillier also received the Mr WG Justice Morrow Memorial Prize in recognition of her outstanding academic achievement.
Courtney Davidson was awarded the George Bligh O'Connor Silver Medal in Law, which recognizes the graduating student with the second highest academic standing for the work prescribed for the JD degree.
Michael Swanberg was awarded the Judges' Bronze Medal, which recognizes the graduating student who stands third throughout his/her studies in the JD program. Mr. Swanberg was also awarded the Honourable CD O'Brien Scholarship in recognition of his academic achievement, outstanding advocacy abilities, and demonstrated leadership.
Congratulations to the Class of 2016!