University of Alberta Faculty of Law - faculty, staff, and students gathered in room 197 of the Law Centre to listen to a noon-hour presentation, The Carrot and the Stick - The Competition Bureau's Approach to Competition Law Enforcement and Corporate Compliance.
Guest speakers Nadia Brault, Director of Compliance, Competition Bureau of Canada and Ian Nielsen-Jones, Former Deputy Commissioner of Competition spoke about what it's like working for the Competition Bureau and the role the bureau plays in enforcement and prevention.
Topics discussed during the presentation included:
The value of a credible and effective compliance competition law.
The tools used to create, implement, and maintain a credible and effective compliance program.
The role of the Competition Bureau in enforcing the Competition and its structure, operations, and powers.
The elements of a credible and effective compliance program, as detailed in the Bureau's revised Corporate Compliance Program Bulletin.
A Q&A took place following the session.
Competition Bureau of Canada:
The Competition Bureau enforces Canada's competition laws, which deal with price fixing, mergers, abuse of dominance and deceptive marketing practices. Last June, the Competition Bureau updated its approach to Canadian Competition law compliance and issued a revised Corporate Compliance Programs Bulletin.
For more information about the Competition Bureau, visit: www.competitionbureau.gc.ca