Dame Fiona Woolf, DBE with Borden Ladner Gervais Chair of Energy Law and Policy, Professor David Percy, Q.C.
With the support of the British consul in Alberta, the University of Alberta Faculty of Law was pleased to welcome Dame Fiona Woolf to the Law Centre on Thursday, November 24 for an evening lecture and Q & A session.
Faculty, staff, students, and members of the bar and bench gathered to hear Dame Woolf on Global Climate for Change: Energy Markets in Transition. Her presentation covered the following topics:
UK Energy policy - successes and failures
UK Government initiatives and private sector investment - lessons learned
Green finance - infrastructure funds, green bonds, Green Investment Bank
Managing existing contracts
Brexit implications
Dame Woolf, with the multinational law firm of CMS Cameron McKenna, headquartered in London, is one of the world's pre-eminent energy lawyers. She has particular expertise in climate change and the decarbonisation of the British economy. The former Head of the Law Society of England & Wales, Dame Woolf was also the 686th Lord Mayor of the City of London (2013-14), only the second woman to hold the role since 1189. She was awarded a Dame of the British Empire in the 2015 for services to the legal profession, diversity, and the City of London.
Click here to view her lecture.