On Monday, November 9, law professor Peter Sankoff appeared in the Supreme Court of Canada on behalf of Animal Justice as an intervener in R v DLW, a case that will determine the scope of section 160 of the Criminal Code - the prohibition against bestiality. Sankoff's opening statement invoked words that had never before been heard in court: "The intervener Animal Justice is here to speak on behalf of the animals who play a critical role in this offence."
Professor Sankoff's argument was that protecting animals is a key objective of the bestiality offence. Additionally, as a offence based on public morals, bestiality will only operate properly if it takes modern societal values into account, especially the need to protect vulnerable animals from exploitation and the risk of harm to which they cannot consent.
To watch the appeal, click on the following link. Professor Sankoff appears at the 132 minute mark, and speaks for about ten minutes.
Supreme Court of Canada Webcast (Note: Microsoft Silverlight is required, and this page is best viewed with Firefox or Internet Explorer.)