The Faculty of Law is very proud to announce that, once again, Professor Shannon O'Byrne has had the distinction of being cited by the Supreme Court of Canada. In the very recent case of Bhasin v Hrynew 2014 SCC 71, the Supreme Court created a new, general duty of honest contractual performance based, in part, on Shannon's widely-respected publications in the area of good faith and fair dealing. The Globe and Mail describes the Bhasin case as "ground-breaking" while the Financial Post offers the view that - as a result of Bhasin - "[h]onesty isn't just the best policy - it's the law."
In recognition of her contributions to new and emerging areas of law, Shannon has also been honoured with an invitation to present the Bhasin case to the Canadian Judicial Institute, an organization which offers continuing legal education to federal, provincial and territorial judges.
Shannon is a recent recipient of the Distinguished Service Award for Contributions to Legal Scholarship (2014), awarded by the Law Society of Alberta and the Canadian Bar Association (Alberta branch) as well as a University of Alberta Alumni Award of Excellence (2014).