University of Alberta continues its moot winning streak with a win by the Faculty of Law team at the 2013 National Donald G. Bowman Tax Moot Competition

It is with great pleasure and pride that the Faculty of Law reports that on March 1-2, 2013, the University of Alberta team won the 3rd Annual National Bowman Tax Moot held in Toronto.

Katherine Thompson - 7 March 2013

(l-r) Donald Bowman (Former Chief Justice of the Tax Court and after whom the moot is named), Russell Ault (3L), Regan Dahl (2L), Belinda Chiang (3L), Maciej Zielnik (2L), and coach Professor Chris Sprysak

University of Alberta Faculty of Law wins The 3rd Annual National Donald G. Bowman Tax Moot (Toronto, 1-2 March, 2013)

It is with great pleasure and pride that Faculty of Law reports that on March 1-2, 2013, the University of Alberta team, comprised of Regan Dahl (2L) and Russell Ault (3L), who represented the Appellant, and Belinda Chiang (3L) and Maciej Zielnik (2L), who represented the Respondents, won the 3rd Annual National Bowman Tax Moot held in Toronto. The team was coached by Professor Chris Sprysak.

The Donald G. Bowman National Tax Moot is Canada's competitive moot on taxation and is named after the former Chief Justice of the Tax Court of Canada, Donald G. Bowman. At this year's moot, ten law schools from across Canada competed and addressed the issue of whether sports lottery gambling winnings should be taxable under the Income Tax Act.

When asked about his team's win, coach Professor Sprysak commented, "As in all national moots that I have been involved with, the competition was very strong. The team worked very hard to prepare for the competition and their efforts paid off with noticeable improvements in both their written and oral advocacy skills. What really impressed me was how the team improved during the course of the competition itself. Each round's performance was better than the last."

Professor Sprysak, the team, and the Faculty of Law would all like to thank the following individuals who helped out with the team's preparations:

1. The Edmonton Tax group of Fraser Milner Casgrain, not only generously provided the U of A Faculty of Law team with their technical expertise, but also with the financial support to participate in this national moot. Without this annual support, the Faculty would be unable to compete in this moot. The Faculty of Law would like to particularly thank Mark Woltersdorf who has headed up his firm's involvement in this event for the last three years, and Ken Whitelaw, who among other things, scheduled and populated the panels for practice rounds at the firm this year. In addition the Faculty of Law would like to thank Cheryl Gibson and Carman McNary for their comments on the facta, and Doris Bonora, Keith Hennel, Dean Hitesman, Carman McNary, John Stavropoulos, Ken Whitelaw, Nate Whitling, and Mark Woltersdorf, who acted as judges during the practice rounds.

2. Michael Lema and George Body from the Federal Department of Justice, who reviewed the facta and judged a Saturday practice round at the law school.

3. Renee Hunt, Sandra Teves, Kim Cordeiro, Merle Metke and Stella Varvis for their invaluable support.

The U of A Faculty of Law community would like to offer its warmest congratulations to this year's Donald G. Bowman National Tax Moot team on their singular achievement in winning this moot.

(l-r) Russell Ault (3L), Regan Dahl (2L), Belinda Chiang (3L), Maciej Zielnik (2L), and coach Professor Chris Sprysak

Click here to read the interviews with the Tax Moot competitors.