Our joint collaboration grants include the Alberta Humanities Research Grant co-funded with the Calgary Institute for the Humanities at the University of Calgary and the UAlberta-ATA Collaboration grant co-funded with the Faculty of Education in partnership with the Alberta Teachers Assoication.
The Kule Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS) and the Faculty of Education at the University of Alberta, in partnership with The Alberta Teachers’ Association (the “ATA”), is pleased to announce a collaborations grant programme to encourage the co-development of research collaborations between University of Alberta faculty and certificated Alberta teachers.
Projects must include at least two certificated Alberta teachers and at least two full-time UAlberta faculty members, one of whom must be in the Faculty of Education. Successful projects will be awarded a grant of $10,000 to be spent over 18 months.
Application deadline: Closed
Value: $10,000 for a period of 18 months.
If you are a teacher interested in collaborating on other research projects with the Faculty of Education please email Denise Larsen (Associate Dean Research) at with your name and area of research interest.
Guidelines and Criteria
These grants provide support for the co-development of research collaborations between University of Alberta researchers and certificated teachers in the province of Alberta. We will select the successful grants based on the following criteria:
- Appropriateness of the team. Is the project led by an interdisciplinary and intersectoral team capable of developing a research collaboration between teacher-researchers and faculty-researchers? Teams must include at least two certificated Alberta teachers and at least two full-time UAlberta faculty members, one of whom must be in the Faculty of Education. Ideally, the certificated Alberta teachers will also be engaged in current professional practice.Will the team include any early-career scholars as trainees?
- Is the research topic relevant to K-12 education in Alberta? Does it align with the strategic direction of the collaboration partners, especially the Alberta Teachers’ Association? Areas of potential interest are set for 2 years and guided by the ATA Strategic Framework which focuses on the Nature of Learning, Shaping A Robust and Resilient Public Education System, and the Advancement of a Vibrant & Trusted Teaching Profession.
Areas of potential interest include the following.
(Note: We invite applications that also address other pressing research questions.)
- The impact of Artificial Intelligence on education and learning, and the socio-economic shifts resulting from such innovative and disruptive technologies (e.g. Chat GPT or other AI platforms and their usage in schools)
- Challenges to the learning environment and curricula posed by populism, disinformation and misinformation
- Climate change and its impact on the learning environment and the asymmetrical distribution of that impact across different sectors of society (e.g. Impact of wildfires, drought, or flooding)
- Equity, diversity, inclusion, and decolonization in the Alberta education system (e.g. Belonging within school communities, refugee experiences in the Alberta education system)
- The shifting terrain of teachers and school leaders’ careers and its impact on teacher wellness, mental health, professional growth, retention, and recruitment (e.g. Impact of high stakes collective bargaining on members of the teaching profession)
- Recent Government policy changes and their impact (e.g. Standardized assessments in elementary schools, Cell phone policy in schools, Transgender legislation)
- Suitability of the research plan. Is the scope of work to be done manageable given the resources provided? Is the design of the activities appropriate for the proposed research questions? Does the team have access to the research subjects and/or data? Is the timeline and budget appropriate for the proposed activities?
- Collaborative capacity development. Will the project position the team for further research? Will the team apply for funding from other external sources such as SSHRC at the end of the grant to sustain this collaboration? Explain.
- Knowledge Mobilization - How will the research be disseminated? Successful applicants are required to share their in-progress or completed research with the broader UAlberta and ATA community.
- Budget: (Listed research team partners including tenured/ tenure-track faculty members at the University of Alberta as well as certificated teachers are not eligible for any form of compensation from this grant regardless of their role on the project. )
Proposals will be adjudicated by a joint review committee consisting of members from the Faculty of Education, KIAS and the Alberta Teachers’ Association.
Results will be announced in March 2025. Successful projects are expected to start in September 2025 (grant funding may be released earlier than Sept to support the launch of projects.. They will last 18 months with automatic 1 year extension if a reasonable explanation is provided. Research funds will be made available to investigators after providing proof of REB and CAP approvals if required for the project.
How to Apply: You will need to apply through the KIAS Online Application Form. This form asks a number of demographic and project related questions that are used by KIAS to assist with strategic planning and to support the Faculty of Arts and University of Alberta as they work to fulfill the commitments outlined in their strategic plans.
To view past successful applications please visit our Successful Grants Library.
Below are the questions that will be asked to assist you with preparing your application. If you have any questions please email
Principle Investigator:
- Name
- Position
- Faculty
- Department (If Applicable)
Demographic Information: (questions in this section are voluntary and not required to be eligible for KIAS funding)
- Identifying as a Indigenous / Aboriginal person
- Gender Identity
- Sexual Orientation
- Identifying as a Visible Minority
- Identifying as a person with a Disability
Project Overview:
- Project Title
- Public Summary (Max 1,000 characters or approximately 250 words)
- Is this project related to research on Ukraine or the Ukrainian Diaspora
- Does this project engage with, involve, or impact areas connected to Equity, Diversity, or Inclusion
- Does this project engage with, involve or impact First Nations, Inuit, Métis or other Indigenous nations, communities, societies or individuals, and their wisdom, cultures, experiences, knowledge systems, lands, or waterways?
- Describe how your project aligns with the KIAS Vision, Mission, and Goals.
UAlberta / ATA Specific Questions:
- Name & Affiliation of Principal Investigator (PI) at UAlberta
- Name & Affiliation of Principal Investigator (PI) of the Certified Teacher
- Names & Affiliations of the other research team members
- Description of the Team (Max 2,000 characters or approximately 500 words)
- Project Description (Max 6,500 characters or approximately 1,250 words)
- Statement on how your project contributes to equity, diversity, and inclusion (Max 1,000 characters or approximately 250 words)
- 5 Key words to describe your research
- Timeline (Bullet Points)
- Amount of Funding Requested (Max 10,000)
- BUDGET: How will the funding be used
- Knowledge Mobilization - Ways you would like to share your research either in progress or completed
- Have you received this grant before
- Any additional information
The Kule Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS) and the Calgary Institute for the Humanities (CIH) are pleased to announce a joint research team building grant opportunity for interdisciplinary working groups at both the University of Alberta and the University of Calgary. This opportunity is designed to encourage the formation of research teams spanning both universities.
Deadline: March 30, 2025
Funding: $10,000 ($5,000 at UAlberta and $5,000 at UCalgary) for a period of up to 18 months. Post-award, similar to SSHRC's policy, you may make changes in your budget without seeking sponsor approval as long as you use your grant for the broad purpose for which it was originally awarded.
Eligibility: Include a team of full-time faculty at both the UAlberta and the UCalgary.
Applications will be adjudicated by a Joint Research Committee and only one team will be supported per year. Applicants will be informed by the beginning of October 2024.
Scope: Research projects in humanities disciplines such as languages and literature, history, religious studies, philosophy, as well as in philosophical and historical aspects of the social sciences, arts, sciences, and professional studies. The humanities are not conceived as a specific group of academic disciplines, but as forms of study that examine what is human – typically guided by literature, history, social and physical settings, artifacts, visual and performing arts.
Special Note: The Kule Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS) and the Calgary Institute for Humanities are committed to supporting a diverse and inclusive research community and recognizes that achieving a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive research environment is essential to creating the excellent, innovative, and impactful research necessary to advance knowledge and understanding, and to respond to local, national and global challenges.
Below are links to resources at the University of Alberta, University of Calgary, and Universities Canada that can assist you in incorporating EDI practices into planning your research proposals.
- Unconscious Bias Training
- Universities Canada Resources
- Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion at the University of Calgary
- Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity Office at the University of Alberta
How to Apply: You will need to apply through the Online Application Form.
To view past successful applications please visit our Successful Grants Library.
Completion of the form will require the following information.
Principle Investigators at the University of Alberta & University of Calgary:
- Name
- Position
- Faculty
- Department (If Applicable)
Project Information:
- Project Title
- Public Summary (Max 1,000 characters or approximately 250 words)
- Project Description (Max 5,250 characters or approximately 1,000 words) (Please include your research focus, research objectives, activities that will be undertaken, outcomes, and how your project contributes to EDI)
- List of collaborators (Name, University, Faculty, Department)
- 5 Key words to describe your project
- BUDGET: How will the KIAS and CIH funding be used.
- IF Applicable - Listing of any additional sources of funding you may have received for this project.
Optionally, applicants may also provide the following demographic information. Information collected is for KIAS internal use only, anonymized, and used for strategic planning purposes. It will not be shared with the grant adjudication committee.
- Identifying as a Indigenous / Aboriginal person
- Gender Identity
- Sexual Orientation
- Identifying as a Visible Minority
- Identifying as a person with a Disability
If you have any questions please email or