Drs. Peter and Doris Kule

Drs. Peter and Doris Kule are two outstanding Canadian philanthropists, visionaries, and community leaders who have given most generously in support of post-secondary education and research. Through their donations, they have touched the lives of many professors and students at the University of Alberta and elsewhere. In 2005, the University of Alberta awarded honorary doctorates to Peter and Doris Kule in recognition of their many contributions to the community and to the University of Alberta.

Drs. Peter and Doris Kule have provided the founding endowment for the Kule Institute for Advanced Study which was established on July 1, 2010. The Kules' beliefs and principles are reflected in the mission and vision of the Kule Institute for Advanced Study which seeks to enhance understanding of complex and pressing issues through interdisciplinary research in the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Fine Arts. KIAS and the researcher community it serves are greatly indebted to the Kules, and will strive to advance society and global polity in a manner consistent with their high humanitarian ideals.