Research Fridays @ Intersections of Gender

WHAT....have you been up to in your research life?
IG is looking to create a venue for you to share and promote your research and thinking in lunch-hour, bite-sized pieces. We’re looking especially at showcasing works in progress, recently completed (or published) research, or even just to discuss a recent paper or book written by someone else.
We will set aside an hour on Fridays (frequency will depend on interest we receive) for regular research events from University of Alberta researchers working in the field of intersectionality broadly conceived.
- Have you written and delivered a conference paper recently?
- Do you have a poster to share and discuss?
- Would you like to pre-circulate a paper (by yourself or someone else) that you can lead a conversation about?
- Have you published a book you’d like to launch or promote?
- Would you care to share a slideshow in Pecha Kucha format?
- Do you want to lead a discussion about some aspect of pedagogy?
- Do you have an idea for an event that can take place in one hour that we haven’t thought of? Pitch it to us!
Sign up and also come learn what your colleagues are up to across campus. Work from all fields is welcome. We ask only that you explain to us how you think your work aligns with Intersections of Gender.
The only rule is that there be room both for sharing the work and for others to engage with the work. Ideally, we want presentations to be not longer than 20 minutes. We are open to considering proposals for delivering longer talks (like 45-minute keynote lectures), but these would likely have to be scheduled in longer sessions.
Present your work! Encourage your friends! Take notes! Ask questions! Get interested!
Check out our Research Fridays archive if you're wondering how sessions might look.
Any researcher at UAlberta is welcome to submit current, relevant intersectional research presentation proposals to IG - faculty, graduate and post-doctoral students, and ATS. This is a public event and all are welcome to attend - come one, come all!
We will begin these sessions in the Fall 2021 term. Research Fridays @ Intersections of Gender will happen Fridays at 12:15 P.M. Frequency will depend on submission numbers. Make sure you’re in the loop by signing up for IG’s newsletter or by joining our Facebook or Twitter pages!
Since Research Fridays @ Intersections of Gender are meant to be short, interesting snippets of intersectional research, we thought it best that they remain on Zoom for now, foregoing a 15 minutes walk for a 20 minute presentation. We will be feeling out the return to campus as it unfolds and if it makes sense to switch this to an in-person event, we will do so!
If you’d like to submit a Research Fridays @ Intersections of Gender presentation proposal, you can fill out this short form:
Submit Proposal for Presentation
If you’d like to tune in to Research Fridays @ Intersections of Gender, just keep your eyes peeled for info in our communications channels listed above.
All sessions will be recorded and posted on IG’s website, YouTube page, and Soundcloud, as an ongoing resource for intersectional research. For accessibility purposes, we hope presenters will also submit a copy of their scripts for posting.