Feminist Research Speaker Series: Winter 2021

22 January 2021

(Download this PDF with the registration links.)

The theme of the Winter 2021 Feminist Research Speaker Series is: On Feminist and Queer Resistance to the Colonial-Carceral State.

The Winter 2021 Feminist Research Speaker Series is brought to you the Department of Women's and Gender Studies, Intersections of Gender, and Kule Institute for Advanced Study. Also, we would like to acknowledge the generous contribution of the Metro Cinema.


2020/21 Feminist Research Speaker Series (FRSS)

Listen to our other 2020/21 FRSS events:

  1. Drag Queen Miss Chief Eagle Testickle Indigenizes and Queers the Archive and the Repertoire with Dr. Jean O’Hara
  2. Routes and Roots: The “New Genetics” of Slavery" with Dr. Temi Odumosu
  3. Teaching Ethically Queer, Trans, and 2S Topics with Alexandra Marshall, Xavia A. Publius, and Dr. Lana Whiskeyjack