Performing Arts Clinic

The Glen Sather Sports Medicine Clinic's Performing Arts Clinic provides appropriate, timely musculoskeletal medical care to musicians, dancers and other performing artists at all levels. With a high prevalence rate of injury among performing artists - between 86 and 90 per cent of musicians and approximately 80 per cent of dancers will experience an injury at some point in their careers - the need for specialized therapy is on the rise.
Why the Performing Arts Clinic?
As musicians, dancers, and other performing artists rely on a healthy body to take part in their crafts, an injury can have a major impact on these individuals’ livelihoods and studies. The GSSMC uses an interdisciplinary model (Sports physician and physiotherapist) to provide a comprehensive functional assessment that will lead to immediate recommendations and a return to activity.
What does a Performing Arts Clinic session include?
A Performing Arts Clinic session includes an assessment with a physician, a physiotherapist and an occupational therapist. Individuals will be expected to demonstrate their craft in some shape or form so that therapists and physicians can get a general idea of what the injury entails. Our team includes healthcare providers who hold certificates in performing arts medicine.
What is the cost?
The initial assessment has no charge. If subsequent physiotherapy sessions are recommended, normal physiotherapy rates will apply.
Where do Performing Arts Clinic sessions take place?
All sessions take place at the Glen Sather Sports Medicine Clinic in the Kaye Edmonton Clinic (Room 2C/2D). It is recommended that patients arrive 15 minutes early to complete their history forms. Appropriate clothing should be worn or brought to the session, along with instruments, dance shoes and any other items that are relevant for demonstrating the individual's craft.
How can performing artists book an appointment?
To book a session with the Performing Arts Clinic, individuals must complete the specific Performing Arts Clinic referral form found here. Completed referral forms can be faxed to the Glen Sather Sports Medicine Clinic at 780-407-5667.
Individuals will be contacted for an appointment once their referral form has been received.
* Please note: individuals do not need a referral from a physician or therapist. The form above can be filled out by the individual requesting an appointment (self-referral).
More information
For more information, please contact the Glen Sather Sports Medicine Clinic at 780-407-5160.