Day 1
Wednesday, march 9
All events are taking place virtually. To register for any Day 1 events, please click on the green button at the end of the page.
You can register for events until 10 AM MDT on the day your events of interest are scheduled to take place.
Opening ceremony with Keynote Speakers Janis Irwin and Blake Desjarlais
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM MDT
Let's start Pride Week together! Join us for a virtual opening ceremony on Zoom. The event will include an opening prayer by Knowledge Keeper Richard Jenkins, a speech from President Bill Flanagan, music by Emmet Michael, and keynote speakers Janis Irwin and Blake Desjarlais.
LGBTQ+ Pop Culture Trivia Night
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM MDT
Come have a great time at LGBTQ+ Pop Culture Trivia Night! This virtual trivia night will include trivia questions about a variety of pop culture topics including tv shows, movies, music artists, books, content creators etc. This night will also include a discussion session afterwards about some of the topics!