

About our Professional Development and Consultations

Build your professional capacity to effectively support the health, mental health, education, safety, and socialization needs of sexual and gender diverse children, youth, and families! 

We offer evidence-informed presentations and individualized consultations for K-12 schools, non-profit agencies, and both public and private organizations. Our PD is also available to students, classes, faculty, and support staff at the University of Alberta. Sessions include experiential learning and participant engagement through activities.

We are happy to provide workshops in-person or online through Google Meet or Zoom. If there’s a specific topic you or your group would like to learn more about, please let us know!  

Workshops Topics

Becoming Conscious Allies: an introduction to sexual and gender diversity and inclusion

In this workshop participants will explore concepts and terminology regarding gender and sexual diversity. We will look at intersectionality and how it relates to best practices in developing allyship skills in the workplace and community at large.

Trans Inclusion & Athletics

Have you wanted to learn about trans athletes through history, what science tells us about fair competition, and how to create an inclusive environment in sports? This workshop will cover your bases, and use peer reviewed research to inform you of inclusive practices. Let's get sporty.

Queer Music History

This workshop will walk you through significant contributions that queer and trans people have made to music history. It includes live music, and takes a playful approach to learning. Take a walk through history, and listen to some beautiful music.

Inclusive Practices for Teachers: a focus on primary and secondary education
This workshop is designed for education professionals and those who serve students. Through the lecture, participants will learn sexual and gender diverse terminology, current Alberta legislation, best practices for supporting queer and trans students, and actionable steps empowering teachers and students to create a GSA/QSA. Should you have additional specific learning outcomes, Fyrefly Institute staff are open to tailoring this session to your individual needs.
2SLGBTQ+ Inclusion in the ESL/EAL classroom

This interactive workshop will discuss how to create a more welcoming and inclusive classroom for all students. Together we will also examine some methods for introducing topics that are often forgotten in an ESL course, such as 2SLGBTQ+ rights and history, both explicitly and implicitly.    

Other workshop topics
  • 2SLGBTQ+ Terminology
  • Pronouns and best practices for the workplace
  • The differences between sex assigned at birth, gender identity, and attraction
  • Allyship Skills and Strategies

For inquiries regarding professional development, please contact Rae Madge (they/she) at


Where the Rivers Meet

This program focuses on bringing culturally relevant teachings based on Indigenous ways of knowledge. Teachings include traditional and contemporary perspectives on Indigenous gender and sexual diversity. Our program goal is to uplift and empower Two-Spirit and LGBTQ+ Indigenous youth to be their most authentic selves. 

For bookings and other inquiries, please contact, WTRM Coordinator, contact Rae Madge (they/she) at

Some workshop topics available are as follows:

Two-Spirit / Indigiqueer Pasts, Presents, and Futures
This workshop aims to develop an understanding of the history of gender and sexual diversity on Turtle Island (what is now known as North America) pre-colonization, helps to recognize the effects of colonization on Indigenous gender diversity historically and currently, and provides hopeful paths towards the acceptance, support, and celebration of Indigiqueer LGBTQ+ peers, students, and clients. In this workshop, we will explore strategies that foster decolonial allyship practices in your life, organization, and/or school. This workshop is appropriate for a wide range of folks and organizations.
This workshop provides an introductory level of understanding of the nuances of sex assigned at birth, gender identity, gender expression, and sexual and romantic orientations. We will analyze some frequently made assumptions and myths about the 2SLGBTQIA+ community and practice an expansive and inclusive understanding of gender and sexual diversity, developing allyship and advocacy practices. This workshop is appropriate for a wide range of folks and organizations.
Anti-Oppression Training
Anti-O workshops are designed to help unravel the nuances of the intersecting oppressions that are embedded within social life. We will explore how pillars of oppression such as colonialism, sexism, and racism affect us on the individual, cultural, and structural levels. This session emphasizes analyzing biases and shifting from unconscious thinking patterns to conscious thinking patterns when it comes to intersectional approaches to social justice. This workshop is appropriate for a wide range of folks and organizations.
In-School Two-Spirit / Indigiqueer Professional Development
This workshop is specifically designed to offer insight into the struggles and barriers that Two-Spirit and Indigiqueer students face in schools, as well as research-based strategies to remedy the effects of colonialism on Indigenous youth. This workshop is appropriate for both teachers and other frontline staff who work with Indigenous youth.

Alberta GSA Network 

The Alberta Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Students Alliance (GSA) Network provides support to students & teachers to start, strengthen, and sustain GSA clubs (also known as gay-straight alliances, gender & sexual orientation alliances, queer-straight alliances, pride clubs, rainbow alliances, and many other names) in Alberta's K-12 schools.

Every year, we hold the AB GSA Conference which provides educational workshops and presentations on 2SLGBTQ+ topics to students and teachers. It provides students with vital resources, resiliency skills, and access to safer spaces. 

For any inquiries, please contact

Learn more about the AB GSA Conference

Contact Us

The Fyrefly Institute for Gender and Sexual Diversity

Leave us a voicemail at 780.492.0772