Water Resources

We are recognized internationally for our research contributions in cutting-edge computer modelling, innovative field measurements in natural and constructed environments, and advanced laboratory experiments in our 1240 m2 T. Blench Hydraulics Lab, one of the largest hydraulic modelling facilities in Canada.
Water resources engineers deal with the control and utilization of water by society. We study and influence the physical processes of water flow essential to the understanding, protection, and improvement of natural and constructed environments. We develop solutions for flood and drought control, wastewater collection, urban and irrigation water supply, urban drainage, river navigation, hydroelectric power development and management, river ice issues, and climate change impacts.
- Water resources management and decision making
- Bridge planning and design
- Water and drainage infrastructure planning and design
- River ice hydraulics and assessment
- Stream restoration and fish habitat design
- Hydropower operations
- Dam safety and management
- Flood and drought forecasting
- Climate change resilience planning
- Hydrological modelling
- Flood risk modelling and mitigation design
- Water policy and governance
- Cumulative impacts assessment
Areas of Specialization
- Cold regions water quantity and water quality
- Water resources planning & management
- Climate change impact assessment
- Sustainable urban drainage
- Design of hydraulic structures
- Environmental fluid mechanics
- River ice processes
- River ice jams and hazards
- Surface and groundwater water hydraulics and hydrology
- Systems models, machine learning, and decision support
- Computational hydraulics and hydrological modelling
- Environmental monitoring, data collection and analysis
- Ecological hydraulics
- Multiphase flows
- Pollutant transport and fate in aquatic environments