Fairness Day

Ever felt that you were not graded fairly in your courses? Or felt that you were not treated fairly by your professors or peers? Do you feel you were not given a fair chance to share your side of the story in a conflict? Being treated fairly is critical in preserving the integrity of university processes and procedures, as it directly affects the experience of students and all members of the university community.
The Office of the Student Ombuds (OSO) is a team of six ombudspersons (om.buhdz.pur.suhn - noun) who advocate for fairness. To help promote a fuller understanding of fairness, the OSO will celebrate its 8th annual Fairness Day on October 18, 2023 with activities to help you learn about Fairness.
The team will be available on the main floor of SUB along with a representative of the Alberta Ombudsman. There will be fairness activities for staff and students at the Fairness Day Table, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
It's All About Fairness
- Procedural Fairness - Accessing prompt and unbiased assessment and having the opportunity to respond
- Substantive Fairness - Applying regulations consistently with comprehensive explanation of decisions
- Relational Fairness - Treating all individuals respectfully
- Equitable Fairness - Striving for inclusive decision processes