Transition Year Program Entrance Requirements

Applicants in Alberta, Nunavut, and NWT should review the following information for high school course requirements:
TYP: Agriculture, Life and Environmental Sciences Route
  • BSc in Agriculture
  • BSc in Agriculture /Food Business Management 
  • BSC in Animal Health or Pre-Veterinary Medicine
  • BSc in Nutrition and Food Sciences

Minimum Course Entrance Requirements: English 30-1; Math 30-1; Biology 30; Chemistry 30
Minimum Required Average: 65%

  • BSc in Environmental and Conservation Sciences
  • BSc in Environmental and Conservation Sciences /BA in
  • Native Studies Combined degree
  • BSc in Forestry

Minimum Course Entrance Requirements: English 30-1; Math 30- 1 or Math 30-2; Biology 30; Chemistry 30
Minimum Required Average: 65%

  • BSc in Human Ecology

Minimum Course Entrance Requirements: English 30-1; Math 30- 1 or Math 30-2; One of Biology 30, Chemistry 30 or Physics 30
Minimum Required Average: 65%

TYP: Arts Route
  • BA

Minimum Course Entrance Requirements: English 30-1; One other 30-level course from Group A, B, or C (Math 30-2 may be presented in place of Group C course)
Minimum Required Average: 60%

  • BA in Environmental Studies (Note: Will not be considered for transfer to this program until *24 credits completed)
Minimum Course Entrance Requirements: English 30-1; Biology 30; Math 30-1 or Math 30-2
Minimum Required Average: 60%
TYP: Business Route
  • BCom

Minimum Course Entrance Requirements: English 30-1; Math 30-1
Minimum Required Average: 65%

TYP: Education Route
  • BEd Elementary Route

Minimum Course Entrance Requirements: English 30-1; One other 30-level course from Group A, B, or C (Note: Math 30-1 or Math 30-2 is recommended for advanced course work in this degree program)
Minimum Required Average: 60%

  • BEd Secondary Route

Minimum Course Entrance Requirements: English 30-1; One other 30 level course from Group A, B or C related to major teaching subject
Minimum Required Average: 60%

  • BSc Specialization in Science and Education/ BEd (Secondary) Combined Degree

Minimum Course Entrance Requirements: English 30-1; Math 30-1; Two of Biology 30, Chemistry 30, Physics 30, Math 31, or Computing Science (CSE) Advanced Level CTS (5 Credits)
Minimum Required Average: 65%

TYP: Engineering Route
  • BSc Engineering

Minimum Course Entrance Requirements: English 30-1; Math 30-1; Chemistry 30; Physics 30 (Note: Math 31 not required, but strongly recommended)
Minimum Required Average: 65%

TYP: Native Studies Route
  • BA Native Studies

Minimum Course Entrance Requirements: English 30-1; One other 30-level course from Group A, B, or C (Math 30-2 may be presented in place of Group C course)
Minimum Required Average: 60%

  • BA Native Studies / BEd Combined degrees [Elementary or Secondary Routes]

Minimum Course Entrance Requirements: English 30-1; One other 30-level course from Group A, B, or C (Math 30-2 may be presented in place of Group C course) Note: Math 30-1 or Math 30-2 is recommended for advanced course work in this degree program.
Minimum Required Average: 60%

  • BA Native Studies / BSc in Environmental and Conservation Sciences Combined degrees

Minimum Course Entrance Requirements: English 30-1; Math 30-1; Biology 30; Chemistry 30
Minimum Required Average: 65%

TYP: Nursing Route
  • BScN - Collaborative

Minimum Course Entrance Requirements: English 30-1; Biology 30; Chemistry 30 or Science 30; Math 30-1 or Math 30-2
Minimum Required Average: 65%

TYP: Kinesiology, Sport and Recreation Route
  • BKin

Minimum Course Entrance Requirements: English 30-1; One other 30 level course from Group A or C (Biology 30 recommended). Math 30-2 may be presented in place of a group C course
Minimum Required Average: 65%

  • BARST (Bachelor of Arts in Recreation, Sport and Tourism)

Minimum Course Entrance Requirements: English 30-1; One other 30 level course from Group A or C. Math 30-2 may be presented in place of a group C course
Minimum Required Average: 65%

TYP: Science Route
  • BSc (General)

Minimum Course Entrance Requirements: English 30-1; Math 30-1; Two of Biology 30, Chemistry 30, Physics 30, Math 31, or Computing Science (CSE) Advanced Level CTS (5 Credits)
Minimum Required Average: 65%

  • BSc Specialization in Science and Education/ BEd (Secondary) Combined Degree

Minimum Course Entrance Requirements: English 30-1; Math 30-1; Two of Biology 30, Chemistry 30, Physics 30, Math 31, or Computing Science (CSE) Advanced Level CTS (5 Credits)
Minimum Required Average: 65%

High School Course Requirements (Alberta, Nunavut, + NWT)

Group A (Humanities/Social Sciences/LOE)
  • Social Studies 30-1
  • 30-level language other than English
  • Aboriginal Studies 30
Group B (Fine Arts)
  • Applied Graphic Arts 35
  • Art 30 or 31
  • Audio 35
  • Ballet 35
  • Band 35
  • Band Music 35
  • Choir 35
  • Choral Music 30
  • Drama 30
  • Film Studies 35
  • General Music 30
  • Guitar 35
  • Music 35
  • Technical Theatre 35
  • *Additional Fine Arts courses may be considered
Group C (Maths/ Sciences)
  • Biology 30
  • Chemistry 30
  • Math 30-1
  • Math 30-2 * Arts, Education, Nursing, Native Studies, and Kinesiology programs only
  • Math 31
  • Physics 30
  • Science 30
  • Computing Science (CSE) Advanced LevelCareer and Technology Studies (CTS) (5 credits)

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