Workshops about Mental Health

Check out our workshops to learn about common mental health struggles and get strategies that can help. Ask questions, share ideas or just listen in.

Workshops are open to U of A students, staff & faculty. They are all on Zoom, except for Yoga.

If you’re interested in a workshop below, click to register. You will be emailed a Zoom link 12-24 hours before the start time.

Yoga for Peace of Mind

Fall 2024/Winter 2025

Facilitator: Dr. Steve Knish, Yoga Instructor RYT-200, Psychologist, CCS

Fostering Wellness 101: Tuesdays from 2:00 - 3:30 p.m.

From Mind-Full to Mindful: How to be more present

Mindfulness is a trendy term these days, but what is it actually? Learn about the theory and practice of mindfulness and get concrete strategies to incorporate it into daily life.

Register: October 1, 2024

Be Here Now: How to regulate attention and improve your focus

Staying focused and managing time effectively can be difficult - especially for those with ADHD! In this workshop, you'll learn strategies to regulate attention, increase focus, and manage your time. The first hour focuses on tools and techniques, and the last 30 minutes are for Q&A and troubleshooting.

Register: October 8, 2024

Failure IS an Option: How to let go of perfectionism

Learn about potential causes, contributing factors and types of perfectionism. Begin to apply strategies that can help overcome the costly consequences.

Register: October 15, 2024

Just Do It!: How to increase motivation and be more productive

We often rely on motivation to be productive and then can’t seem to find it when we need it the most! In this workshop, we will dispel motivation myths, understand what motivates us, and learn strategies to build motivation. The first hour focuses on tools and techniques, and the last 30 minutes are for Q&A and troubleshooting.

Register: October 22, 2024

iMatter: How to cultivate self-compassion

Ever thought of treating yourself as well as you treat others? Learn to build a better relationship with yourself, practice self-kindness, and face life’s challenges through compassion.

Register: October 29, 2024

Be Here Now: How to regulate attention and improve your focus

Staying focused and managing time effectively can be difficult - especially for those with ADHD! In this workshop, you'll learn strategies to regulate attention, increase focus, and manage your time. The first hour focuses on tools and techniques, and the last 30 minutes are for Q&A and troubleshooting.

Register: November 5, 2024

Back Off!: How to set healthy boundaries

We all have our limits, but we don’t always recognize or communicate them effectively. Learn about the purpose of boundaries and how to express them assertively.

Register: November 19, 2024

Just Do It!: How to increase motivation and be more productive

We often rely on motivation to be productive and then can’t seem to find it when we need it the most! In this workshop, we will dispel motivation myths, understand what motivates us, and learn strategies to build motivation. The first hour focuses on tools and techniques, and the last 30 minutes are for Q&A and troubleshooting.

Register: November 26, 2024

Managing Mood and Anxiety Wednesdays 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.

And How Does That Make You Feel?: Embodying your emotions

Do you feel overwhelmed with emotion when you’re triggered? Notice you try to push away or suppress your feelings? Learn how to identify your emotions and get strategies to not just tolerate your feelings, but accept and embrace them.

Register: October 2, 2024

It’s a Trap!: Identifying unhelpful thinking patterns

Do you find yourself dwelling on what-ifs, worrying about the future, or notice overly negative thinking patterns? Learn how to identify these patterns and develop strategies to manage them.

Register: October 9, 2024

The Great Escape: Challenging your thoughts

How we talk to ourselves has a big impact on how we feel and behave. In the workshop "It's a Trap!", we learned how to identify unhelpful thinking patterns. Now learn realistic strategies to challenge and replace these patterns.

Register: October 16, 2024

Ready, Set, Action!: A behavioural strategy for flourishing

Have you been withdrawing from activities that were once enjoyable or fulfilling? Learn how to activate positive mood and re-engage through an approach called Behavioural Activation.

Register: October 23, 2024

Let's Talk About Stress: Finding strategies for management

Do you feel overworked and overwhelmed? Find out how stress may be impacting you, and learn strategies to feel better and function more effectively.

Register: October 30, 2024

It’s a Trap!: Identifying unhelpful thinking patterns

Do you find yourself dwelling on what-ifs, worrying about the future, or notice overly negative thinking patterns? Learn how to identify these patterns and develop strategies to manage them.

Register: November 6, 2024

The Great Escape: Challenging your thoughts

How we talk to ourselves has a big impact on how we feel and behave. In the workshop "It's a Trap!", we learned how to identify unhelpful thinking patterns. Now learn realistic strategies to challenge and replace these patterns.

Register: November 20, 2024

Long Story Short, I Survived: A strategy to face your fears and gain control

Is fear holding you back from something you want or need to do? Learn how to face your fears so you can feel stronger and more capable.

Register: November 27, 2024

Request a workshop

Book a 60-90 minute workshop for your group or unit. Choose from a list of our most popular mental health workshops.

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Employees, Students


Health Wellness
