Request a Workshop about Mental Health

Staff, faculty and student groups can request a mental health workshop from the list below.

Workshops are generally 60 - 90 minutes long and can be delivered online or in person.

Due to high demand, we can’t guarantee that every request will be filled.

Workshop Session Types

Addressing Anxious Thoughts

Find yourself dwelling on “what-ifs”? Worrying about the worst-case scenario? How we talk to ourselves has a big impact on how anxious we feel. ​Learn how to address the mind’s responses to anxiety by identifying and challenging anxious thinking.

Gender Euphoria

Gender exploration is a complex journey that can, among other things, even include a sense of joy or peace. Learn about what gender euphoria is, what it can feel like, and what it can mean for you. Also applicable for allies who wish to learn more about gender euphoria and/or to learn more about how to support their friends or family.

Impostor Syndrome

Explore why you tend to feel like an imposter or a fraud in academia (or other achievement-centered contexts), and the underlying factors that contribute to these beliefs. Learn how to challenge these beliefs and feel more comfortable with roles, achievements, accolades, and outcomes in your academic pursuits.

Learning to Relax

Learn about helpful breathing and relaxation techniques to address the body’s responses to anxiety.

Managing Perfectionism

Learn about the etiology, types, and contributing factors of perfectionism, and begin to apply strategies that can help you to overcome the costly aspects of perfectionism.

Managing Stress

Do you feel overworked and overwhelmed? Find out how stress may be impacting you, and learn strategies to feel better and function more effectively.

Understanding Depression & Addressing Unhelpful Thinking Patterns

Understand depression and how your thinking can contribute to low mood. Identify unhelpful thinking patterns and learn adaptive, realistic strategies designed to help replace problematic thoughts through practical activities and discussion.

Identifying, Helping, Referring Students in Distress

Do you think a student might be struggling? Not sure what to say or do? This workshop will help you learn about common indicators of distress and what you can do to help.

how to request a Workshop

Please review the following conditions and responsibilities prior to submitting your request:

  1. Meet the criteria:
    • A minimum of four weeks notice
    • An audience of 20 or more U of A staff or students (if you’re a smaller group, try to partner with other groups)
    • 60 - 90 minutes of time allocated for the workshop
    • Cross-reference the workshop you are requesting with our workshop schedule and the training provided by the Wellness Supports Team as existing opportunities might fulfill your needs. It is unlikely we can approve a workshop request if we will be delivering the same workshop within five business days of the request.
  2. Submit your request:

Employees, Students


Health Wellness
