Edmonton ICU App
10 August 2020
The Edmonton ICU App is finally here! Thanks to funding from the Run For Our Lives Campaign from the Edmonton Marathon, the Edmonton Zone Patient and Family Centred Care Committee have created an App to help Patients and Families navigate the ICU, provide information on accessing food, parking, lodging, social work and to solicit their feedback.
It is available in beta test form (but fully functional) for both iOS and Android platforms through the following links:
iOS: https://testflight.apple.com/join/fcC3DqNq
Android: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.edmontonezpfcc.EDM_ICU_MOBILE or search "Edmonton ICU" on the google Play Store
It is ready for staff, patients and families to access, and we are happy to receive feedback to optimize the content. Feedback can be communicated directly on the beta test in the iOS version of the App through the TestFlight program, or sent via email to jonathan.davidow@ahs.ca
Thanks to all the members of the Edmonton Zone PFCC (Mina Angotti, Shelley Duggan, Dominic Carney, Tove Leblanc and Raiyan Chowdhury) and all the contributors from each unit that made this possible!
It is available in beta test form (but fully functional) for both iOS and Android platforms through the following links:
iOS: https://testflight.apple.com/join/fcC3DqNq
Android: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.edmontonezpfcc.EDM_ICU_MOBILE or search "Edmonton ICU" on the google Play Store
It is ready for staff, patients and families to access, and we are happy to receive feedback to optimize the content. Feedback can be communicated directly on the beta test in the iOS version of the App through the TestFlight program, or sent via email to jonathan.davidow@ahs.ca
Thanks to all the members of the Edmonton Zone PFCC (Mina Angotti, Shelley Duggan, Dominic Carney, Tove Leblanc and Raiyan Chowdhury) and all the contributors from each unit that made this possible!